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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by sectioned View Post
    I dont agree, i clear good on rogue, its just way too easy to die, but thats only thing i noticed playing there, i know my feedback is different from other rogue players, and i dont understand it tbh... anyways im being honest, hope it helps sts figure out best way to help rogue.
    Dude the thing is, we all clear "good" on Rogue. My blood arti and Rusk/Chakram is enough. But you do realize that the clear is so much better on Mage or Warrior with Rusk and Arti yea? Part of it being better is the shielding with invulnerability and overall class difference which includes haste % and a element of item procs passives and so on. Just check the LB for Indigo man. It's literally right there. For months and months and months now. Rogue will never top it. Simple as that. The class lacks clear and shielding. Makes it a chore to play vs just hoping onto another alt class to wipe mobs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    Opinions on the Rogue's ability to clear and kill vary depending on a variety of factors. From my vantage (using developer tools to watch Players in various situations) I see a minority of Rogues that have excellent clearing / killing capabilities, and a majority who tend to struggle. The differences in clearing / killing capabilities are not a fundamental Class-based issue; they relate to gear, pets, and the Players' approach.

    That being said, I think it is reasonable for the Design team to consider some way to improve Rogue survivability. We will certainly consider the suggestions brought up here :-)
    Yeah that's the thing, there's just more utility on Warr and Mage through gear and skills allowing for a better clear. 99% of Rogues in game will agree to the class lacking clear and survivability in comparison. There's a whole lot of points and multiple threads and player feedback on this. Also the fact that Rogue almost never tops a Indigo LB is concerning yea? It's been like this for so long. Why do players opt to not grind Indigo which is a map with 99% mobs and 1 boss with Rogue? There is clearly a problem with the clear in comparison. Me personally I was stuck with staggos before blood arti for so long. That itself was a terrible feeling. Not being able to pull and clear even a full stretch without getting one shot if I used any other pet. Arti made the clear a little better. It's still lacking in comparison

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    To be fair - the Medicinal Herb gives you 2 seconds of invulnerability.

    This is quite useful if you do indeed want to survive (and is an intentional trade-off vs. the mitigation you get from Refuel and the damage you deal with Ultimate Aimed Shot).
    Wait is this a troll comment from a dev o.O? Please Sir. Please can I private message you and ask for 2 minutes of your time to show you that no player ever uses Ultimate in Elite Indigo ever 99% of time in endgame runs. 1 run in indigo, with end game gear lasts 24-30 seconds. Ultimate doesn't ever have the time to load. Specially considering how players run in sections or a full part either right or left now with arti. Once again this highlights the fact that there is no one actually monitoring the game which is extremely saddening to me.

  4.   Click here to go to the next Dev post in this thread.   #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Read View Post
    Wait is this a troll comment from a dev o.O? Please Sir. Please can I private message you and ask for 2 minutes of your time to show you that no player ever uses Ultimate in Elite Indigo ever 99% of time in endgame runs. 1 run in indigo, with end game gear lasts 24-30 seconds. Ultimate doesn't ever have the time to load. Specially considering how players run in sections or a full part either right or left now with arti. Once again this highlights the fact that there is no one actually monitoring the game which is extremely saddening to me.
    There was a very straightforward assertion made in this thread that Rogue has no means of shielding themselves from damage. This is not true and my reply is a statement of fact regarding Medicinal Herb.

    Also, it is technically possible to charge your Ultimate in less than 30 seconds - but you have to spec for it and use the right Pet(s) for it :-)

    These statements are for clarification and don't change the fact that the team is looking into ways of making the Rogue more survivable.
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    I am pretty happy with the idea of offering some alternative Level 80 Perks for "Razor Shield" and would like feedback.

    Check out the poll here:
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