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I'm talking about end game. Rusk, Blood etc. That's where all players who play this game end up eventually. Warr has AOE clear with Rusk pull and krak pull + Arti which is 10x more effective than a Rogues entire kit. Btw you don't need Rusk as warrior to be broken at clear. Even force works. Try it.
I said AOE like other classes meaning Mage has its own spamming of skills with tower and fire ball and rusk gun or orb, while Warr has Rusk spam AOE effect which pulls and shreds with Kraken and Arti.
And yes I did not bring up haste because for some reason STS is against it, thinking it will break Rogues. But the AOE (Area of Effect) clear is way better on Mage and Warrior than Rogue at end game, is what I am trying to say. Play Rogue maxed out toon and then Warrior, you'll see a huge diff in clear speed and how much you can clear.
Btw there is literally no point in comparing early or mid game any more because you either play the game and get decent items and end game gear or you end up not playing at all. For those at level 81 or lower, investing in a Rogue toon heading towards end game is a complete waste of time. I know because I did it.