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Let us know what you think!
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Time to buy 18k worth of arcane awake then hold for a month, then sell for 3x the price like what I learned from rich traders here.
I felt that blue gem got nerfed. It didn't like previous awaken event
My fav event<3
Blue gems useless... 750 rolls and not hit even 2%+2% int on armor ... Yikes
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You lost us when you made us roll 4% stats awake 1/100 tries
I was playing this game from 2013 untill 4 months ago, I was a paying user, and I admit that I bought alot of plat during the years (400,000)
But I wanted to share the main reason that STS did that made me quit.
(MAINLY) New Awakening System
That's honestly the number 1 reason
During the years, good awakes could have been obtain on my gears with a decent amount of elite gems.
6-8% Main stats wasn't a dream, sometimes it took 100 tries to get, sometimes it took 400 tries. rarely it took 500+ times
since you made the "new awakening system", you got me very depressed, since I tried to awake a single item few months ago, for 4%+ main stat.
Have a guess how many "ARCANE GEMS" did it take to see a 4% stat awake? it took over a 100. and it wasn't even the main stat, it was a different class. so I tried again, another 100 and this time didn't roll even once.
You kept on adding awakes that no one wanted, low armor, some HP that wasn't usefull at all, more elite damage, boss damage, low DMG numbers, Lithality that nobody asked for and more, you reduced the odds of getting % stats awake by ALOT
I hopped on the forum today to see if you improved that system but looks like its the same.
Agreed, and it's a thing they already know, I expected a big change or a remake of this new system during awakening due the players feedback, but it looks like they don't actually care about it or they don't even know what to do. Not the first time something got changed for worse, even one of my favorites event got changed drastically for worse(egg hunt).
Old system you could easily get 8% stats with less than 300-400 elite awakens, with new system even with 400 Arcane awakens it won't be possible... Let's be honest: the new system was made to be even more profitable for them, and they didn't even consider the players' perspective, and that's how it going to be for everything soon.
The problem was that they did'nt inform that the new meta is the elemental damage and not anymore the stats (4% - 8%) so in that way they change awakening, they fck3d the 7-8% stats in awakening, and a lot of people are losing billions!
they need to put more effor to report changes that will be so related to the platinum spending of people's real money
Revamp whole systeme remove rare rarity from arcane jewels basically a copy paste of elite jewels
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Thanks, Great event!
rip, takecare
Rigged evebmnt trully
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temple event is next week?
why u nerf glbuff it as u did with ms% in last update plss
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Same scam it's been since the "revamp" tbh
Yet again another issue that’s been put on “Seen” status multiple times. Why can’t we understand that they are holding us on the palm of their hands? Dancing around with our complaints knowing that we will spend anyway.