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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunaxe
    knowing that we will spend anyway.
    i don't think that is true
    i stopped spending on awakes since they made the latest changes and i know some friends who also did the same
    even blue gems are annoying to use at this point
    if enough people do it they'll have no choice but to listen

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    Quote Originally Posted by caabarader View Post
    New meta is blood set, and elemental set has nothing to do with new awakens system or is a motive of the change.
    we are talking about the new meta "elemental" is BD, ED awakening and not anymore 8% stats

    the 7-8% stat was ****ed in awakening and the person that created the post are leaving the game because that, he lose their plat triying 7-8%, I remember i lose 1.5b doing the same, kek

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yuggernaut View Post
    we are talking about the new meta "elemental" is BD, ED awakening and not anymore 8% stats

    the 7-8% stat was ****ed in awakening and the person that created the post are leaving the game because that, he lose their plat triying 7-8%, I remember i lose 1.5b doing the same, kek
    This new trend of ed/bd just is happening due the awakening change, that made 7-8% stats hard to get, so no, bd/ed ain't the meta, stats still are. Ed/bd was a solution found by players due to the crisis in which the new awakening system finds itself, but calling it a meta is out of the question, trend is the appropriate word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunaxe View Post
    Yet again another issue that’s been put on “Seen” status multiple times. Why can’t we understand that they are holding us on the palm of their hands? Dancing around with our complaints knowing that we will spend anyway.
    I haven’t popped a gem open. Nor do I have any plans to.
    I’m rubber and you’re glue, what bounces off me, sticks on you..
    Stop assuming my posts are emotional. I don’t care that much.

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by recilencia123 View Post
    why u nerf gl buff it as u did with ms% in last update plss

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    It was nerfed?!?! No wonder its so hard to re roll it

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    Name:  IMG_0435.jpeg
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    we don’t like the new system
    thx, by
    \m/____( >. < ‘ )____,\m/
    Chivalrous Union

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    worst event ever greens are 4% max pri stat no matter how many gems you use just like your elite red ones LOL - bills again i guess. Is that so the player is more likely to buy plat again ? are you kidding me its the other way around hes more likely to NEVER BUY PLAT AGAIN and quit the game.

  10. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauataka View Post
    worst event ever greens are 4% max pri stat no matter how many gems you use just like your elite red ones LOL - bills again i guess. Is that so the player is more likely to buy plat again ? are you kidding me its the other way around hes more likely to NEVER BUY PLAT AGAIN and quit the game.
    Thats me

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    Its an actual joke how that is the ONLY OPTION the player has to upgrade there gears and try to improve there awakes. Not every player wants to awake or likes gambling. Then people say "oh you should of bought then" but no one has in game thats the issue and also someone has to awake before selling in game no matter what and that players only option is to awake. There has to be another GUARANTEED option imo where you can choose an awake or something in store with plat but the awake is only KIND OF OP and makes the item untradeable if you choose the "7% awake, 50gl or 15ms awake" lets say for 3000-5000 plat and plat only way to buy no other way to buy and cannot sell the item/awake then. Wouldnt that be better and make them more money as well because you have the guaranteed untradable item players who will buy plat to get the guaranteed awake and then you have the gamblers who want to try and get better. It needs to be like this imo or similar they would make more money and wouldnt affect market as the guaranteed way is UNTRADABLE.

    store guaranteed way buy an awake - 7% str max , 50gl max and 15%ms max buy awakes for item way (note: makes the item untradeable on use )
    awake system way for tradable item (7%+ or 50GL+ or 15MS + awake)

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    Either way dont care anymore im out lol game is so bad filled with rng i guess

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    Well rng that doesnt make sense i should say lets be honest lol. RNG is chosen by the creator it can me manipulated any time as well. Also my account defo tagged in general.

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    I think, or atleast hope that "tagged account" thing dont rrly exist.
    Also there isnt any market competition for arc/elite awakes. We plat buyers wont sell arcane for 1.3 when we can sell it for 1.7m. I also agree that price is unreal,but it is like that cuz devs let market be that way. Also many merchers buy and resell awakes. Too big amounts of gold in few people stashes. They even selling golds (doing price manipulations scamms and other stuff ,on Discord groups etc. Evry1 knows it but seems no1 cares and Devs not banning them. Once those 10-15 people get banned,market will breathe and ppl will spend plat, more good gears will be on market, and more rare vanitys worn and sold actually.

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    Maybe blue gems will revert to better rolls awake after event... Hold a bunch and wait

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  18. #34
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    i think it will be better for some player if awaken system have a guaranteed loot after some number of awaken an item just like the locked guaranteed system.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bayusketch View Post
    i think it will be better for some player if awaken system have a guaranteed loot after some number of awaken an item just like the locked guaranteed system.
    Or have the ability to havw a locked slot of 15% dex 50% gold loot buy using plat

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    What's the point of another feedback thread about awakening if you not even consider removing the big amount of useless awakens or go back to the old system?
    Players are unhappy with the mess that this new system is in, that's a fact, it's up to you to find a solution or continue to ignore the opinions being put forth here.
    Moving "useless" awakens from the legendary to common-epic category is not and should not be a solution (as is the case with Hp and mana from the last awakening), this only makes blue awakens lose even more of the power they have.

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    The love of art is over.

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    I bet the upstairs people are laughing right now.

    “Look at this desperate fools making noise as if we’ll listen” then proceeds to copy paste an event.

    Hahaha.. kidding aside. Give us something to stay for. Come on guys. We support you, spend real money.

    Treat us better this 2025!

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    well it is worse than a casino lol, at casino at least you have fun and drinks here it just feels like STS scam, makes you more depressed than excited (like it was before)
    I didn't buy much awakes this time, although i have new gear set,
    I don't understand why ARC awakes that cost 10 plats each have high chance of rare awakes at all... why should i see 4 rare mana ignore awakes for money lol
    Usually we have this tradition in CU to stream awakes on discords, and i got to admit that after last awake event nobody willing to do that haha
    I understand the reasoning behind different pricing of gems but you should make the awakes in accordance with the gem, without opportunity to get rare awakes on arc gems, lower epic and let gamble leg awakes each wants
    you want people to pay more? give them a reason to pay for it

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    I want to ask you a question gentlemen adm of sts, do you think it is normal that the price of awaks is so ridiculously high? 2 years ago they were at 150k per unit and now you tell me that it almost reaches 1m per unit and they are calm without making changes in platinum prices, they have a very lazy adjustment team or they are stingy because if they want people to buy their products for money they have to make everyone want to buy it, it is not a matter of power, it is of wanting and people see Their game and they are not interested in recharging a penny because their monetary investment is not reflected in the game they have the same prices as a decade ago and they have not been updated to the current generations neither in performance nor prices, do not take it the wrong way is a criticism but do something about the prices of platinum so that more people call your attention to buy your products, I know many, many people who prefer to spend all their gold on plat egg than give them a single crntavTheir game and they are not interested in recharging a penny because their monetary investment is not reflected in the game they have the same prices as a decade ago and they have not been updated to the current generations neither in performance nor prices, do not take it the wrong way is a criticism but do something about the prices of platinum so that more people call your attention to buy your products, I know many, many people who would rather spend all their gold on plat egg than give them a single penny

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