Hello, I'm reporting these bugs that have been around for quite a while now and hope they can be fixed.
1) Scorn Ghost Cannon has a minor visual bug where the projectile from the cannon shoots backwards instead.
2) Operative dual pistols have a slight visual bug where the muzzle flare only appears from only one weapon instead of two. This mainly affects Tac-7 Machine Pistols, Black Market Hydrax, and the Wraith and Ghoul's Dual Hard6 Elites and the Scorn Dragon Eyes.
Additionally the Scorn Dragon Eyes dual pistols have a visual bug where the Eyes on the guns dissappear after a few minutes.
3) In the UC Shipyard Reactor Core Deck, there is a bug where the three proximity mines aren't synced, making diffusing them to rescue the hostages during the quest a bit more difficult.