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    Default Star beast amulet in elder woods

    Even when not using the star beast amulet it summons an invisible ghost hedo that taunts mobs.

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    I'll need quite a bit more info before I'll be able to understand what you are reporting - 'cause if I don't have that item equipped I don't ever see the Hedourah echo.

    My first thought is that it's someone else's Hedo echo that's spawning - I don't know if you are solo or in a party.

    My second thought is that you still have the bonus from the amulet active at the point when you swap gears, get a kill, and thus summon the Hedo echo.

    My third thought is that you actually do have the item equipped but you don't know it.

    So if you could tell me what you are doing and what items you have equipped at the time I can track it down and get it sorted out :-)

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    Sorry it's in the cursed elder woods map. Used 6 of 6 star beast with bio amulet. Eggsor pet, harts and hugs happiness and ghostly aa.happened the last 2 times I tried the curses. My first thought was that I used the amulet but checked before and after going in the map and I was using bio. Also had the no switching curse.

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    Cool! Thanks for the info. I’ll look into it as soon as I can :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    Cool! Thanks for the info. I’ll look into it as soon as I can :-)

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    Sometimes the Hedo echo gets very buggy in cursed maps also. Possibly you can look into this also. For example if you clear a small section and are stopped for a moment to wait on proc cooldowns you can see the echo moving back and forth between your location and mobs. Its like the spawn wants to attack the mobs but because they haven't aggro to you it's almost lost on what to do. The biggest issue here is that sometimes the spawn will actually aggro the mobs to you after seeming lost for a few seconds. Maybe it's intended to be able to aggro mobs but the "lost" movements of the spawn are odd.

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    Sorry it's in the cursed elder woods map. Used 6 of 6 star beast with bio amulet. Eggsor pet, harts and hugs happiness and ghostly aa.happened the last 2 times I tried the curses. My first thought was that I used the amulet but checked before and after going in the map and I was using bio. Also had the no switching curse.
    So - good news, bad news sort of deal I think...

    Bad news: using the exact same pet and equipment setup for my toon (I tested with a Rogue and with a Warrior) I was unable to get the Hedourah echo to show up while using the Bio Beast Amulet. He shows up regularly whenever I use my Star Beast Amulet, but never when I use the Bio Beast. To make certain of the mechanics, I altered the proc chance locally to be 100% on my Bio Beast and Star Beast Amulets and never got the wrong spawn.

    The good news: the Bio Beast Amulet proc summons a 'Fungus Fighter' that behaves in the exact same way as Hedourah's echo... but has different stats, does different attacks, etc. So if you are seeing a little mushroom monster when the Bio Beast Amulet procs then that is the intended behavior (though it looks like we neglected to include this info in the item details).
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    Quote Originally Posted by imfeared View Post
    Sometimes the Hedo echo gets very buggy in cursed maps also. Possibly you can look into this also. For example if you clear a small section and are stopped for a moment to wait on proc cooldowns you can see the echo moving back and forth between your location and mobs. Its like the spawn wants to attack the mobs but because they haven't aggro to you it's almost lost on what to do. The biggest issue here is that sometimes the spawn will actually aggro the mobs to you after seeming lost for a few seconds. Maybe it's intended to be able to aggro mobs but the "lost" movements of the spawn are odd.
    I have seen my Hedourah echoes go all wacky, spinning around, "what do I do? what do I do?" sorta stuff recently. I'll look into it.

    My guess is that the Hedourah (and Fungus Fighter) summons are freaking out when they get to the end of their leash.

    With that said, I don't think these summons should have a leash; I think they should just stomp around picking fights. So my first step will be to rework their behavior to disregard the player position and just concentrate on simply making trouble for monsters. If that doesn't feel right I'll ask the smarter developers to take over and make it good :-)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    I have seen my Hedourah echoes go all wacky, spinning around, "what do I do? what do I do?" sorta stuff recently. I'll look into it.

    My guess is that the Hedourah (and Fungus Fighter) summons are freaking out when they get to the end of their leash.

    With that said, I don't think these summons should have a leash; I think they should just stomp around picking fights. So my first step will be to rework their behavior to disregard the player position and just concentrate on simply making trouble for monsters. If that doesn't feel right I'll ask the smarter developers to take over and make it good :-)
    Hmm yes i like the idea cinco, but that could give some of us troubles aggroing mobs invulntarily and in hard maps where mobs are particularly strong myabe could be an issue, for example if we want to wait for our procs cd before going or pet cd,that could be solved if they taunt some enemies also? anyways im ok with your idea, i dont mind the issue, and i like that they go and pick up fights freely

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    Not sure what’s amulets aggro range but it sure is annoying in some cases, for example when u wait for cooldown and the proc just randomly lures ton of mobs on u. It works exactly the same with kraken amulet bio amulet and sb amulet
    context here

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    Quote Originally Posted by sectioned View Post
    Hmm yes i like the idea cinco, but that could give some of us troubles aggroing mobs invulntarily and in hard maps where mobs are particularly strong myabe could be an issue, for example if we want to wait for our procs cd before going or pet cd,that could be solved if they taunt some enemies also? anyways im ok with your idea, i dont mind the issue, and i like that they go and pick up fights freely
    Totally fair point.

    We'll see if we can just make it work more intelligently before totally reworking the behavior :-)
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    These echo allies spawn by amulets are useless as they hardly make any dent on mobs.

    On the other hand it is super annoying when they go and aggro mobs on their own like others mentioned.

    So it does more harm than good. Please do not add this kind of proc to future gears.

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    Ah, I forgot about the little mushroom guy. Everything is invisible so I couldn't tell what it was. All I could see are the fx from it. Maybe make that visible in cursed elder woods so we know where the echo/mushroom man is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    Ah, I forgot about the little mushroom guy. Everything is invisible so I couldn't tell what it was. All I could see are the fx from it. Maybe make that visible in cursed elder woods so we know where the echo/mushroom man is.
    Ah! Cool. Glad we cleared that up.

    Best wishes!!
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    solve this priblem just not using sb amu o.o

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    Problem was the echo and the mushroom guy are invisible with the mobs invisible curse. What I thought was echo was the little mushroom guy.

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    Default Star beast amulet in elder woods

    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    Problem was the echo and the mushroom guy are invisible with the mobs invisible curse. What I thought was echo was the little mushroom guy.
    ohh i see what u mean, but you can solve that by moving away from the mobs every second until you hear it disappear or calculate the exact seconds, for each step back you take your echo or mushroom will get closer to you, and to avoid the sound taunts all enemies go back very far and no matter how much make the scream that produces taunt it will no longer provoke said taunt from the mobs but I repeat you have to go considerably back, hope it helps u.

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    Yes, I was trying that. Unfortunately the leash is very long and I had no idea when it was actually spawned. I was able to work around it but it killed me enough so I want it to stop.

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