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  1. #1
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    Default Eating Machine Aegis

    "The amount of damage done by this proc increases with Weapon level". This statement can be found inside of Eating Machine Aegis proc description, it motivated me to work on this spirit weapon, but now i think it is a false statement.

    My reasoning:
    - i have reached lvl 60 and tested damage of proc from last couple of levels (53, 57, 58, 59 and 60) under same circumstances, it was the same. My min and max damage has not moved.
    - Lvl 60 requires 1.8m xp, previous level 100k less, and so on. Could get 2k xp/ run, it was so much work for what, for nothing?

    Weapon is old, but when something is bugged (not working properly), it should be fixed regardless of age (e. g: glint aegis). I would like to get some answers, that's all. Now i wonder if same issue happened to eating machine blade, because i have lvl 60 on that one too.

    Would you please verify whether dmg of proc is is increased per level for both eating machine weapons (aegis/sword)? Thank you

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    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    The damage formula for the proc uses your damage - and it does go up as you level but not every single level. Damage values increase on a curve (so you may get +1 damage to the weapon every few levels). So yes, your damage values are changing over the span of 2-3 levels... but they are small changes and what you see in terms of min/max in the game is not going to be very noticeable. So this is not a "bug" or technical issue.

    However, I think it would be fair for us to find some way of factoring in the weapon level to the proc damage formula in a more dramatic fashion. While gaining a couple of damage points over the course of two or three levels is nothing to sneeze at, I think you're asking for something that is far more noticeable.

    We will see what we can come up with.

    Keep in mind - this consideration would be made for all weapons (and not just for the aegis).
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    As much as I enjoy zodias weaponry, that would be considered a buff for a 76 lvl item that is still meta btw. My only question is, is it necessary?

  6. #4
    Blogger ogpurp's Avatar
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    Default hi

    I absolutely love the Idea of doing something more dramatic with my Spirit Zodias Daggers, (and all weapons ) they have been so underwhelming compared to even the bow, but especially the aegis.

    i have seen a warrior full sb with aegis insta kill the KT LB mobs after pulling one whole side. its as fast as killing as the blood Artifact in some senses.
    make the zodias rogue and sorc gear better... to match warrior..

    Please consider Re working the spirit weapons. i have a small suggestion that might help... maybe since I remember a dev mentioning that not even that many players have unlocked "the full potential" of spirit weapons. to me... this means that at the highest level it doesnt slowly get better but there is something awesome waiting for those who grind to get their weapons to the max or close to max. (more dmg, cosmetic,aura)??

    i think that you guys should implement cosmetic effects like the Virtual Vanquish set for ninth birthday (matrix set) or the tempered volc set which explodes. it doesnt do any damage... but i bet if there was some sort of cosmetic effect when you get the weapon to the max level. it would push more players to want to see it or use it.

    now if you want to take it a step further, instead of it being cosmetic... it could be worked to be actually goood.... and do some damage, hell even maybe make it nature damage or something or a new type of elemental dmg.

    the daggers should have sme sort of awesome proc like the one from pocket legends for the fish sword... when the fish jumps out.... that kind of stuff is so awesome....

    i wish we could have more of that..

    hopefully someone can get something from this. I figured i would just speak my mind on it.

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