"The amount of damage done by this proc increases with Weapon level". This statement can be found inside of Eating Machine Aegis proc description, it motivated me to work on this spirit weapon, but now i think it is a false statement.
My reasoning:
- i have reached lvl 60 and tested damage of proc from last couple of levels (53, 57, 58, 59 and 60) under same circumstances, it was the same. My min and max damage has not moved.
- Lvl 60 requires 1.8m xp, previous level 100k less, and so on. Could get 2k xp/ run, it was so much work for what, for nothing?
Weapon is old, but when something is bugged (not working properly), it should be fixed regardless of age (e. g: glint aegis). I would like to get some answers, that's all. Now i wonder if same issue happened to eating machine blade, because i have lvl 60 on that one too.
Would you please verify whether dmg of proc is is increased per level for both eating machine weapons (aegis/sword)? Thank you