View Poll Results: What do you think of the proposals?

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  • Survival Proposal - YES!

    44 93.62%
  • Survival Proposal - NO! I'll suggest an alternative.

    2 4.26%
  • Damage Proposal - YES!

    17 36.17%
  • Damage Proposal - NO! I'll suggest an alternative.

    12 25.53%
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    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    Default Poll - Increased Survival / Increased Damage for "Razor Shield" w L80 Perks

    Happy New Year, Legends...

    I've seen some very good constructive suggestions to make the Rogue more survivable and wanted to run this by the forums to see what others think.

    The following proposals involve substituting new Perks for two of the currently existing Perks for Razor Shield at Level 80.

    Survival Proposition: replace "Banking Blades" perk (25% chance to reflect 10% incoming damage) with "Blade Barrier" which grants 2 sec. invulnerability when Razor Shield is cast.
    We are also considering an increased duration for this invulnerability effect with Charged Razor Shield but we have not made a final decision on that (as of yet).

    Damage Proposition: replace "Frictionless Fury" perk (speed boost) with "Furious Rage" which increases the damage dealt by Razor Shield by ~50% (final figure TBD but in this ballpark).
    We are also considering an increased damage boost for Charged Razor Shield but, like with the aforementioned perk, haven't made a final call on it.

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    Default Poll - Increased Survival / Increased Damage for "Razor Shield" w L80 Perks

    +1 I’m sure rogue mains will be happy with the survival idea
    perhaps consider adding visual to blade barrier so we know it’s on

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    Survival! I'm not a actual rogue player but already played it, what I didn't like is that the rogue doesn't have a skill that offers those precious seconds of invulnerability, which are vital to activate procs and become "almost invincible". I've seen it said a few times that the rogue not having a skill like this would be due to the high dodge that the class has, but I would easily trade all my dodge for a skill like this...
    Great thread, I hope you also have time to see some constructive suggestions and feedback from players about the current awakening system.
    Happy new year!

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    Thank you so much for this. So many players will like this change, I truly hope people see this pole and vote.

    The Banking Blades into invulnerability period of 2-3 seconds is a solid change in my humble opinion. However Frictionless Fury is a beautiful touch to the overall clear which lacks right now. Having a 15% speed increase won't impact any ones gameplay negatively right? (Please correct me if I am mistaken)

    Is it possible to have the damage increase made within Bleedings Cuts (25% bleed damage), where the left side of the tree (sharpened blades) increases bleed chance (no change) while the right side of the tree causes no bleed but increases damage by a good amount scaling with procs which is able enough to help with end game clear? (Blunted Barbs changed into perhaps Spiked Barbs to implement this).

    I'm sure my self and many Rogues use the movement speed increase as it always is nice to have. I personally have never used Blunted Barbs when clearing. Please let us know if this is ok, if not kindly let us know why.

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    +1 for survival

    Rog's damage with high critical is enough for us, so we need the survival.

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    +1 to the survival rework but I think the extra movement speed is good as it is

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    If you give immunity you should reduce something like skills that ignore armor or damage so that it is balanced since it is the class that does the most damage

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    Quote Originally Posted by recilencia123 View Post
    If you give immunity you should reduce something like skills that ignore armor or damage so that it is balanced since it is the class that does the most damage

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    “that class does most damage”
    in what multiverse?
    -warrior have ulti that increases STR by 7x
    -it also has a highest damage per tick weapon which is zod aegis
    -mage has aquaris and hyperos that deal massive damage, not comparable to rogue’s weaponry
    -it’s not a most constant damage dealer as well since there’s no haste on bows or range degree (it just shoots what’s in front of you unlike warr that hits everything around it no matter the positioning)
    I think rog is already handicapped enough and there’s no need to nerf something that’s not been implemented yet.

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    +1. Love the change. Leaving the movement speed would be more preferred I think.

    Guys we can have both implementations to Rogue here, a shield and some damage for clear (AOE). Please let us know why you would not want to see one or both changes if you disagree with one or both the potential implementations.
    Last edited by Lazzer; 01-08-2025 at 01:55 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Voorge View Post
    “that class does most damage”
    in what multiverse?
    -warrior have ulti that increases STR by 7x
    -it also has a highest damage per tick weapon which is zod aegis
    -mage has aquaris and hyperos that deal massive damage, not comparable to rogue’s weaponry
    -it’s not a most constant damage dealer as well since there’s no haste on bows or range degree (it just shoots what’s in front of you unlike warr that hits everything around it no matter the positioning)
    I think rog is already handicapped enough and there’s no need to nerf something that’s not been implemented yet.
    I'm not talking about ulti, I'm talking about the character with his skills, I'm not talking about weapons either, in addition to the war they give him good damage in a short area since he can't attack from afar except for his axe if compare skills from mage or rog

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    Quote Originally Posted by recilencia123 View Post
    If you give immunity you should reduce something like skills that ignore armor or damage so that it is balanced since it is the class that does the most damage

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    Nice feedback, however, if you are talking about most damage, you mean the dps on a single target with the aimed shot skill yeah? (armour ignore is found in aimed shot too). These changes here focused on AOE clear and survivability mate. It's for helping with map clearing which was the original thread topic.

    However assuming this is right as you say. Warriors were able to do the Cursed Woods with gear Rogues can never dream to complete with. One boss with double hp, if Rogue was the highest damage dealer this would have not been the case yeah?

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    Quote Originally Posted by recilencia123 View Post
    I'm not talking about ulti, I'm talking about the character with his skills, I'm not talking about weapons either, in addition to the war they give him good damage in a short area since he can't attack from afar except for his axe if compare skills from mage or rog

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    Well warrior has rally cry jugg and vengeful blood to boost it’s stats and that’s okay I guess?

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    +1 for the invulnerability, but keep the movement speed as it is

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    the survival is good idea

    the damage thing should be "increases damage of rogue" not the razer shield damage as this is equivalant to 0

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    Quote Originally Posted by Read View Post
    Nice feedback, however, if you are talking about most damage, you mean the dps on a single target with the aimed shot skill yeah? (armour ignore is found in aimed shot too). These changes here focused on AOE clear and survivability mate. It's for helping with map clearing which was the original thread topic.

    However assuming this is right as you say. Warriors were able to do the Cursed Woods with gear Rogues can never dream to complete with. One boss with double hp, if Rogue was the highest damage dealer this would have not been the case yeah?
    Don't forget that these skills can also be used in PVP, apart from doing good damage to the target and high chance of dodging, giving them immunity should require a balance. idk about rog doing cursed among giants can't talk about it

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    Quote Originally Posted by recilencia123 View Post
    I'm not talking about ulti, I'm talking about the character with his skills, I'm not talking about weapons either, in addition to the war they give him good damage in a short area since he can't attack from afar except for his axe if compare skills from mage or rog

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    The problem with this is that, you cannot take away from a class, if you do not consider Zod, Krak Aegis, Arti and Rusk etc. Warriors are completely useless. A class cannot be 100% similar in terms of damage and utility right? Hence why these buffs are in process to be implemented to help the Rogue class match the current standard of the other 2 classes. Check Indigo LB for proof of terrible clear. Time and time again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by recilencia123 View Post
    Don't forget that these skills can also be used in PVP, apart from doing good damage to the target and high chance of dodging, giving them immunity should require a balance. idk about rog doing cursed among giants can't talk about it

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    Realistically, this is all good on paper. Then you go on pvp and get one shot by arti proc or tank with bio and rusk. Damage skills do not matter on pvp as much in current meta from what I’ve seen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by recilencia123 View Post
    Don't forget that these skills can also be used in PVP, apart from doing good damage to the target and high chance of dodging, giving them immunity should require a balance. idk about rog doing cursed among giants can't talk about it

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    Yeah i totally understand, but i suggest once again going back to the OP, this is solely focused on PvE, its implications on PvP can be dealt with easily by reducing shield amount or duration perhaps in a PvP zone. But I respect your view. It's perfectly fine. Thanks for sharing feedback on this. I'm not one to talk about PvP though, in all honesty I and most of the player base PvE, the devs can confirm this, a majority of the player base only plays PvE hence why PvP changes are seldom.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Read View Post
    The problem with this is that, you cannot take away from a class, if you do not consider Zod, Krak Aegis, Arti and Rusk etc. Warriors are completely useless. A class cannot be 100% similar in terms of damage and utility right? Hence why these buffs are in process to be implemented to help the Rogue class match the current standard of the other 2 classes. Check Indigo LB for proof of terrible clear. Time and time again.
    But any class without weapons is not useful xd , rog usually have few points because they go to the boss, since they kill him quickly, at least that's what I see.

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    good update w for rog

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