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  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chessbunny View Post
    What are your favorite 3 auras that aren't colorful?
    Trib without the red at bottom, wages of death and also shadowbound but maybe not witht the purple would be cooler. none of those are colerful

  2. #122
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    the picture for the event looks cooler and uses old banners which look cool and yet none of that is in the event. why not re make the entire forum picture because its misleading and just reminding us everytime we come back to check if anything is changed or updated. the 1 plat per minute is ridiculous. and for what.

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    Bring BACK craftable vanities

  4. #124
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    Dev, can you atleast check the last years twilight temple gauntlet rewards for solo and group and compare it for this year twilight temple? You completely ruined this event.

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  5. #125
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    Ouch I’m not well geared. I’m just able to play deep sea finally lmfao. 🤣 remember players from those vanity’s I’m gonna buy them  6901
    PL-Ghosts | SL-DL-AL- Ghost | SL-DL-AL-Octavos

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    This is honestly heartbreaking lmao. I understand you guys need money to keep the game alive, in that case MAKE THINGS WORTH PAYING FOR. I have spent more money on this game than I would like to admit, gambling seems to be your main motive here, and I've only had good luck maybe 3 times out of the 12 years that I have played this game. Constantly making things more expensive, plat wise, makes me want to stop playing more and more, which is sad because I genuinely love this game. I dont mind spending money on the things I want when they're available, like auras or halos or whatever, or grinding for crafting ingredients to craft cool vanities that I would feel proud of having because I worked for them, but this is just ridiculous. I feel as though every event things are just getting worse and worse, design-wise and price-wise. The vanities and auras look like your design team went on a 4 day bender thinking it would give them ideas, and they said "F it, that's good enough". I also feel for the free to play players, as I was one of them before I grew into an adult and had a steady income. I play plenty of games, but I've always stuck with this one throughout the years. I can honestly say that this game is so expensive to enjoy that I would NEVER reccomend it to ANYBODY that I meet or am friends with. It is actually INSANE that this game has any kind of ongoing revenue at all, it's all OG players that have been around forever and can't help but fall into nostalgia. This game is a NIGHTMARE to new players, AND existing players. Simply listening to the player base would absolutely boost your revenue in my opinion, and catering to free to play players at the same time would bring an incentive to them to spend at least a little money on this game but at the rate you guys are currently operating, I see that as extremely far-fetched.

    All in all, this game is cool and I enjoy playing, but holy cow does it make me sad to see where it's going.

    Happy grinding arlorians, I wish you all the best.

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    A good fix for players not feeling rewarded enough for an event, would be to have a player suggestions thread a month before big events go live (or any amount of time before a event)

    That way perhaps players can suggest what they would like to see and developers can pick and choose potential suggestions which align with their vision too. Absolutely pointless venting on forums with so much negativity. Developers are humans too. Let's try and help them make the game better.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellprone View Post
    I'm not gonna lie, you guys completely gutted this event this year. Last year had Vanities to craft for non LB players. Inventory slots etc for tokens. Not to mention LB rewards were 10x better, 2x 50 elite awakes, a really sick banner (The 2025 banner is the worst I've ever seen), 3x unlocked crates, sick titles. This year? Mega low effort. Crappy aura, titles, banners, rewards. Vanity weapons for tokens which are the same basic vanity weapons just recolored. Of course the vanity set is only lootable in locks but it doesn't matter as its super low effort and looks horrible.

    Last year's event was super engaging for average geared players and Top geared players, people may have complained in forums but everyone was running event either for LB or to craft the vanities which were worth the time. I don't see any turn out this event and don't expect people to buy plat as there really isn't any thing worth spending that plat on. Also from 10 plat for a 1 hour lix to 60 plat is crazy. I know STS needs to make money to keep the game running, im a contributor myself but DAMN there is no way im spending a dollar this event if it looks like this.

    Put some more effort in, I feel as if the whole team at STS is working on events a few days before the actual planned event, if anything i think people wouldn't mind a 1 week or 2 week hiatus in-between events like awake event right now every few months or so. Use that time to really put some thought and effort into event rewards, lootable gear, crafting etc. Also bring VFX back to the weapon vanities. I haven't seen a cool weapon vanity in years.
    Game is probably shutting down so they putting less effort into events and trying to rack profits without losing much and gain something before totaly going away with the game

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    It’s pretty obvious this event will be a flop, judging by the feedback. What’s most ridiculous to me is the difference between top50 group and top 10 group reward, literally 10 elite awakes. I mean if they listened to player suggestions this event would’ve been 10x better, they are a business but listening to the suggestions is going to net them more money, make items/things players want and they’ll buy it. It seem’s game is headed in the wrong direction with the new awake system, plat Lix’s and vanities/auras lootable through crates.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vijil View Post
    This is honestly heartbreaking lmao. I understand you guys need money to keep the game alive, in that case MAKE THINGS WORTH PAYING FOR. I have spent more money on this game than I would like to admit, gambling seems to be your main motive here, and I've only had good luck maybe 3 times out of the 12 years that I have played this game. Constantly making things more expensive, plat wise, makes me want to stop playing more and more, which is sad because I genuinely love this game. I dont mind spending money on the things I want when they're available, like auras or halos or whatever, or grinding for crafting ingredients to craft cool vanities that I would feel proud of having because I worked for them, but this is just ridiculous. I feel as though every event things are just getting worse and worse, design-wise and price-wise. The vanities and auras look like your design team went on a 4 day bender thinking it would give them ideas, and they said "F it, that's good enough". I also feel for the free to play players, as I was one of them before I grew into an adult and had a steady income. I play plenty of games, but I've always stuck with this one throughout the years. I can honestly say that this game is so expensive to enjoy that I would NEVER reccomend it to ANYBODY that I meet or am friends with. It is actually INSANE that this game has any kind of ongoing revenue at all, it's all OG players that have been around forever and can't help but fall into nostalgia. This game is a NIGHTMARE to new players, AND existing players. Simply listening to the player base would absolutely boost your revenue in my opinion, and catering to free to play players at the same time would bring an incentive to them to spend at least a little money on this game but at the rate you guys are currently operating, I see that as extremely far-fetched.

    All in all, this game is cool and I enjoy playing, but holy cow does it make me sad to see where it's going.

    Happy grinding arlorians, I wish you all the best.
    100% agree with you plus this game not even advertise so they could care less about new players all they care about are the current whales

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    They are aware the game is dying, it will shut down soon. There’s been a plat sale ongoing since Halloween which is unheard of, makes sense trying to get the most out of players before it’s done. Little effort put into events, f2p have nothing to grind for, a lot of things are a gamble now so yeah.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhinestoneRat View Post
    They are aware the game is dying, it will shut down soon. There’s been a plat sale ongoing since Halloween which is unheard of, makes sense trying to get the most out of players before it’s done. Little effort put into events, f2p have nothing to grind for, a lot of things are a gamble now so yeah.
    Yep and 40% plat been ongoing constantly there hasnt been a day wete it actually dissapared for more then 2 weeks and 25% plat sale been ongoing for years its all fake trick ur brain also it is dying devs never tried to advertise this game since 2012-2011 this game was cash grab and not there trying to make everything paywall this 2024/2025 cause there shutting it down to makw make then make a new game which i have experienced with netease company and some other ones not saying its bad if devs invest money they got from this game to another potentially better mmorpg

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  14. #133
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    Game is shutting down? When?

  15. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by presp600 View Post
    This is the same guy who asked for a "rizzler" title, your comments are worthless. "Slifer" never heard of you nor have you ever competed in a temple event. Why comment on something that doesn't effect you?

    I personally don't buy gear specifically for temple, because I also compete in high level pve. But I know many people who used awakes in this current event or looked for gears recently specifically for this temple.
    Let's summarise your points bro:
    You have won top group with your friends previously and want to win it this time as well
    You and your friends with best gear work together to get the top10 group which took hours to run
    You want rewards to be bound title and banner/badge

    The points you skipped over:
    If you spent so much time on top group, why didnt try the same for total group... Legit takes same time as top group
    Temple group lb has literally same players from top solo who get rewards for both solo and group. A bit of shuffling and u end up with 4-5 groups with same players
    Just because u claim u didnt do alts on group lb, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You can take the twilight temple lb names and check the names of warrs and rogs even. The ones who are capable of getting points(ones with gear) get multiple alt accs on multiple classes too. Unlike top solo, its 30 spots on the top group lb, ez abuse
    There have been multiple attempts of people trying to 'buy' slots on group lb since its just using aa( or assistance) and sitting in the corner for rogs/warrs(if mage carries)/mages (if warrs carry). Idk if you received the offers but you should have atleast heard of them. Its 3b+ in gold, and some even offer dollars for it
    Friends are max geared but do not want to participate in top solo. Its their choice to not run top solo. Cant blame that on group not having equivalent rewards to make up for your 2 friends who choose on their own volition to not run the solo lb
    What does top group even achieve in the temple lb? Puts together 3 people who are geared to get a score? Isnt that top geared players getting top group?
    Why top 10 groups have same rewards as top 50? To prevent people from asking for carries/buying slots on top10 just to be on the LB because it gives rewards which are different from top50. Again and again, the ones who are capable can absolutely get a slot on the top solo if they just tried a few runs.

  16. #135
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    Can the black background be removed from these cool badges? Just remove the black altogether as I feel it takes away from the artwork factor but that's just me. Many of these moving energy badges already blend really well in the world background without needing the black. Something like how the rabbits foot and egg badges hold their own shape without the need for black.
    IGN: Kakashi <-Therapy-> -I am PVE!

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    Quote Originally Posted by TurnBackTime View Post
    Let's summarise your points bro:
    You have won top group with your friends previously and want to win it this time as well
    You and your friends with best gear work together to get the top10 group which took hours to run
    You want rewards to be bound title and banner/badge

    The points you skipped over:
    If you spent so much time on top group, why didnt try the same for total group... Legit takes same time as top group
    Temple group lb has literally same players from top solo who get rewards for both solo and group. A bit of shuffling and u end up with 4-5 groups with same players
    Just because u claim u didnt do alts on group lb, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You can take the twilight temple lb names and check the names of warrs and rogs even. The ones who are capable of getting points(ones with gear) get multiple alt accs on multiple classes too. Unlike top solo, its 30 spots on the top group lb, ez abuse
    There have been multiple attempts of people trying to 'buy' slots on group lb since its just using aa( or assistance) and sitting in the corner for rogs/warrs(if mage carries)/mages (if warrs carry). Idk if you received the offers but you should have atleast heard of them. Its 3b+ in gold, and some even offer dollars for it
    Friends are max geared but do not want to participate in top solo. Its their choice to not run top solo. Cant blame that on group not having equivalent rewards to make up for your 2 friends who choose on their own volition to not run the solo lb
    What does top group even achieve in the temple lb? Puts together 3 people who are geared to get a score? Isnt that top geared players getting top group?
    Why top 10 groups have same rewards as top 50? To prevent people from asking for carries/buying slots on top10 just to be on the LB because it gives rewards which are different from top50. Again and again, the ones who are capable can absolutely get a slot on the top solo if they just tried a few runs.
    Can you even name 1 person that has paid to be in the top group lb for Twilight?

    T10 and T50 rewards should be different for obvious reasons.
    Why even bother competing for T10 when I can just do T50 for pretty much the same rewards but in less than half the time T10 would take.
    It's basically encouraging people to do alts on the group lb now

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    Does gold loot affect the amount of gold obtained from mobs and bosses?

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  20. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurnBackTime View Post
    Let's summarise your points bro:
    You have won top group with your friends previously and want to win it this time as well
    You and your friends with best gear work together to get the top10 group which took hours to run
    You want rewards to be bound title and banner/badge

    The points you skipped over:
    If you spent so much time on top group, why didnt try the same for total group... Legit takes same time as top group
    Temple group lb has literally same players from top solo who get rewards for both solo and group. A bit of shuffling and u end up with 4-5 groups with same players
    Just because u claim u didnt do alts on group lb, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You can take the twilight temple lb names and check the names of warrs and rogs even. The ones who are capable of getting points(ones with gear) get multiple alt accs on multiple classes too. Unlike top solo, its 30 spots on the top group lb, ez abuse
    There have been multiple attempts of people trying to 'buy' slots on group lb since its just using aa( or assistance) and sitting in the corner for rogs/warrs(if mage carries)/mages (if warrs carry). Idk if you received the offers but you should have atleast heard of them. Its 3b+ in gold, and some even offer dollars for it
    Friends are max geared but do not want to participate in top solo. Its their choice to not run top solo. Cant blame that on group not having equivalent rewards to make up for your 2 friends who choose on their own volition to not run the solo lb
    What does top group even achieve in the temple lb? Puts together 3 people who are geared to get a score? Isnt that top geared players getting top group?
    Why top 10 groups have same rewards as top 50? To prevent people from asking for carries/buying slots on top10 just to be on the LB because it gives rewards which are different from top50. Again and again, the ones who are capable can absolutely get a slot on the top solo if they just tried a few runs.
    It’s circles with you and your own delusions. No point to argue with someone who can’t see how delusional they are. No one pays for a group carry. Who’s gonna pay “3b” for a bound banner, badge and title.

    Worse top 10 rewards = less competition = more alts.

    I bet you’ll see the same names over and over on this lb if they leave it like this.

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    In 2025 will be different, will be better , and we start strong with bad temple event

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    Quote Originally Posted by Leonytis View Post
    Can you even name 1 person that has paid to be in the top group lb for Twilight?

    T10 and T50 rewards should be different for obvious reasons.
    Why even bother competing for T10 when I can just do T50 for pretty much the same rewards but in less than half the time T10 would take.
    It's basically encouraging people to do alts on the group lb now

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    Exactly. Why bother with groups, just compete in top 10 solo. Atleast pushes the focus on top solo which is the highlight of temple events
    Why would people want to do alts on something that is not exclusive? Only when its exclusive to top10 there are alts.

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