Please leave top group score as a feature in twilight temple. This was removed in recent temple like events and was very disappointing.
Please leave top group score as a feature in twilight temple. This was removed in recent temple like events and was very disappointing.
No... Its good as cumulative/total score lb.
You could see in previous dragkin temple, there were not many alt accs.
If it was top score, there's gonna be multiple alt accs from same group of people.
2024 Dragkin temple leaderboards were good.
Top solo, total solo, total group seems to be the optimal solution for alt accs.
If you have a solution for alt accs, suggest that along with this request.
Can do Total group and Top Group but like racing event, the top score should not have rewards...
You know it yourself too, you are going to add atleast 5 or 6 alternate scores with your team on different characters
Last edited by TurnBackTime; 01-08-2025 at 11:10 PM. Reason: Added last 3 lines
why split solo but not split group lol. There is way more alts in solo cuz rewards are usually better. Adding 5/6 top 10 scores in twilight temple group would take way too long. The rewards aren't worth making alts for, they're usually bound. That's why if anything group should have a top score Lb with rewards.
As I agree there should not be as many alts in the leaderboard, that arguement does not stand for the group leaderboard.
I believe the top group leaderboard should be left alone as well.
If they split solo, they should also split the group LB as well.
Temple leaderboard is meant to be a challenge, and only the top players of each class should be placing in the leaderboards.
Either way, if they split one, they should split the other.
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Alts in group were never really a problem, people want to run group with friends, grinding solo is tedious.
Oh that works.
Bound rewards on top group score lb.
Also, im pretty sure i saw your name atleast 10+ times on the siege event top group score lb.
With multiple characters, your team got atleast 6 or 7 of the spots in top10 siege group lb.
It ain't convincing to say people don't make alt characters for group lb when it comes from someone who did make multiple alt accs for it
so your issue isn't the group top score lb, it's alts on the lb.
sts doesn't care about alts on the lb, solo lb is full of them.
i'm looking at the 2024 temple twilight group lb right now and i only recognise maybe 3 alts
group lb should stay a group event rather than it just being farmed solo
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Youre completely right
(please give back my dog)
Yea my issue is the alts.
Thats why solo lb gets the bound rewards, to prevent alts.
And group top score lb with no rewards to discourage alts but people can boast about their top group score by looking at lb.
( thats wat apoxhd did with his top score in racing lb. no rewards for fastest time on the racing lb but there was a separate lb to display the fastest time)
3 alts on top 10? Don't you think thats a lot?
Lets be honest, even in group, its the mage who kills mobs in later stages with warrior assisting.
Not any different from solo.