The Endless and Tainted Love sets were emblems of the Lovecrafting event, but they didn't transition to stat percentage-based buffs. At lvl81 you had a legendary set that gave you +15% of a stat while they stayed at +30 stat for example,That and the weapons procs created a difference that made these sets pretty useless.
Some useful changes could be that these give bonuses based on % of stats (updating this) Clarifying these sets are of few pieces so they should not give such a high amount either, it could also be interesting for them to give some elemental damage since this is what the Elder Woods expansion is about.
And about the procs of the tainted set weapons, they had 2 versions right? One for buff and one for debuff, there is no need to create new things, take ideas from the pet abilities, there are many ingenious ones. For example, having a proc on weapons from the Shady and Surge ability that was iconic.
I wanted to give the point of view of why they failed at lvl81 and that they could be a good addition to the event and to the lockeds or store sales.