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  1. #1
    Member Monarsi's Avatar
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    Default New Spirit Gears System

    I will make a few suggestions for a balanced , fun and brand new system. In this way, these spirit items will maintain their continuity.

    It consists of several steps.

    1- Lower the number of experience points needed to level up the Spirit Gears. Make max-leveling the Spirit Gears easier.

    2- Slightly reduce the damage of weapons. (I'll explain why later.)

    3 - Highlight the difference in damage between levels. (It becomes hard to notice at higher lvls.)

    4 - Let us craft new Elder Wood Spirit Gears after we get max lvled spirit gears.

    Materials we need to craft new spirit gears:

    -Max Lvled Zodias Spirit Gear
    -A recipe from elder vendor
    -Some materials we can loot from New Cursed Woods

    (If someone wants to keep their zodias awaken they can keep but it will cost an extra +25m or 200plats)

    Craft Time: 7 Days

    3/3 Elder Woods Spirit Gear Buff

    %20 Primary Stats , %35 Speed (Stacking) , %30 Damage , %10 Haste

    (I think the devs will decide better on this xd)

    Whats new about Elder wood spirit weapons?

    - They do elemental damage and it becomes stronger each lv.

    Why did we nerf Zodias Spirit Weaps

    - Because we are getting new and stronger lv81 Elder Wood's Spirit Gears! (According to suggestion ;- We replaced zodias weapons with new elder spirit weapons.

    5- Arcane Pearls are useless. Elder maps way better to lv up spirit gears. Maybe add new version of pearls which works at Elder maps.

    And repeat steps every new expansion.

  2.   This is the last Dev post in this thread.   #2
    CTO asommers's Avatar
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    We're considering what to do here, but spirit gear/weapons add yet another set of items to balance (mythic, arcane, force, spirit, etc.).


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