I will make a few suggestions for a balanced , fun and brand new system. In this way, these spirit items will maintain their continuity.
It consists of several steps.
1- Lower the number of experience points needed to level up the Spirit Gears. Make max-leveling the Spirit Gears easier.
2- Slightly reduce the damage of weapons. (I'll explain why later.)
3 - Highlight the difference in damage between levels. (It becomes hard to notice at higher lvls.)
4 - Let us craft new Elder Wood Spirit Gears after we get max lvled spirit gears.
Materials we need to craft new spirit gears:
-Max Lvled Zodias Spirit Gear
-A recipe from elder vendor
-Some materials we can loot from New Cursed Woods
(If someone wants to keep their zodias awaken they can keep but it will cost an extra +25m or 200plats)
Craft Time: 7 Days
3/3 Elder Woods Spirit Gear Buff
%20 Primary Stats , %35 Speed (Stacking) , %30 Damage , %10 Haste
(I think the devs will decide better on this xd)
Whats new about Elder wood spirit weapons?
- They do elemental damage and it becomes stronger each lv.
Why did we nerf Zodias Spirit Weaps
- Because we are getting new and stronger lv81 Elder Wood's Spirit Gears! (According to suggestion ;-We replaced zodias weapons with new elder spirit weapons.
5- Arcane Pearls are useless. Elder maps way better to lv up spirit gears. Maybe add new version of pearls which works at Elder maps.
And repeat steps every new expansion.