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    Default We need new type of gold

    Can we get new type of gold? Like the current gold has cap at 1b, the new gears are 400-1b each. If we get a new expansion definetly they will pass 1b. So adding a new like a 1 new gold= 100k old gold we will be able sale leaderboard things in auction, rare awakes gears and many many more. We could get it from vendor like we get the gold bar.

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    That seems more like a band-aid and is a terrible way to address soaring gear prices. They need to address why gears have become so expensive in the first place.

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    Forum Adept Squlo's Avatar
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    So basically by your idea it is "new type of gold = literally the gold you have but less on paper" yet gold bar already exists.

    Try to think of something not related to gold you already have to force veterans farm the new currency as well instead of letting them sit and just convert the amount they have.
    Just so you to know it's Squlo/Fair/Slifer

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    Quote Originally Posted by Squlo View Post
    So basically by your idea it is "new type of gold = literally the gold you have but less on paper" yet gold bar already exists.

    Try to think of something not related to gold you already have to force veterans farm the new currency as well instead of letting them sit and just convert the amount they have.
    Yes less gold on paper. There are trades that are 1.1b,1.2b etc 600m-700m etc.and many lb items that others don t list in auction just because is over 1b, here we can take auras as an example.
    They can make 2 option when you buy from auction, using old gold or using new gold.

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    Once, there was an attempt to set 6m/hr as the standard. However, something went wrong, and some players can now earn between 10–20m/hr (depending on their gold loot set).

    Frankly speaking, I’ve been playing this game for several years (since the level 66 cap), and the level 86 cap introduced a lot of new gear (probably the most in history) and the highest gold drops from maps. For me, current drops made it faster to get the latest gear. In the past, it was definitely slower for me.

    Of course, this is just my personal experience—you’re welcome to disagree. I’ll just say this: “Activity in the game, rather than on forums, is rewarding.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ooozer View Post
    Yes less gold on paper. There are trades that are 1.1b,1.2b etc 600m-700m etc.and many lb items that others don t list in auction just because is over 1b, here we can take auras as an example.
    They can make 2 option when you buy from auction, using old gold or using new gold.
    Well they can use gold bars for that. Like a player should be able to set the price as gold bar + gold for example:

    Let's say yeti helm and you want 50b+500m for that. You will have an option in auction to set price as gold bar and gold amount below it as addition so you will be able to set 50 gold bars + 500m as price.

    When it comes to buying. Buyer must have 50 gold bars in inventory and 500m in the pocket to be able to purchase the yeti helm from auc.

    So i mean you don't really need a new currency in the game. You only need gold bars to be used in auction as currency.

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    If anything, I don’t think we need to feed inflation any more. I’d say it’s almost to the point players are struggling to hang in. I don’t mind losing expensive items just to get a money reset. Meaning them setting auction caps and putting speed sets/ at least arcane gear in level rewards. I have to say that 200m for a chests piece is scary. I really think something should be done about the prices asap. Sacrifice expensive gear and give us old vanity’s in the store monthly or even a battle pass with it. It would be so much money they’d get. I know I would be paying for sure. I’ll be praying for them to take control of everything soon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PoorCharlatan View Post
    That seems more like a band-aid and is a terrible way to address soaring gear prices. They need to address why gears have become so expensive in the first place.
    They are so expensive just because one run in any portal is over 100k. So more gold, more expensive items. And the plat buyers don t wanna sell them cheap just because the gold farm for most op players it s too eazy. Which is understable for us.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ooozer View Post
    Can we get new type of gold? Like the current gold has cap at 1b, the new gears are 400-1b each. If we get a new expansion definetly they will pass 1b. So adding a new like a 1 new gold= 100k old gold we will be able sale leaderboard things in auction, rare awakes gears and many many more. We could get it from vendor like we get the gold bar.
    gear is expensive now because its new. as events come, new crates w the new gear are being released. therefore the supply is bigger and the demand is lowered.

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    None of this makes any sense.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    None of this makes any sense.
    Spend 10m gold to purchase 1m diamond(new currency or something) .

    To use for instead I buy Jupiter for 1b gold I can use 100m diamonds.

    If I want to put something in auc like Medusa helm for 10b I cant because limit 1b gold, but I can put it for 1b diamonds instead
    IGN Fouy , Fouys

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ooozer View Post
    Can we get new type of gold? Like the current gold has cap at 1b, the new gears are 400-1b each. If we get a new expansion definetly they will pass 1b. So adding a new like a 1 new gold= 100k old gold we will be able sale leaderboard things in auction, rare awakes gears and many many more. We could get it from vendor like we get the gold bar.
    that's the work of the gold bars

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    This is stupid. You guys want to buy plat with your gold and then spend plat to buy stuff. Simpleminded people. What you'll wanted was the ability to use gold bar in the auction to buy stuff.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legendsoflegends View Post
    This is stupid. You guys want to buy plat with your gold and then spend plat to buy stuff. Simpleminded people. What you'll wanted was the ability to use gold bar in the auction to buy stuff.

    yes of course we want to buy platinum with gold because thats what everyone said here… ��
    IGN Fouy , Fouys

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sampep View Post
    Spend 10m gold to purchase 1m diamond(new currency or something) .

    To use for instead I buy Jupiter for 1b gold I can use 100m diamonds.

    If I want to put something in auc like Medusa helm for 10b I cant because limit 1b gold, but I can put it for 1b diamonds instead
    Yes, same for auras or gears that have rare awakes that are over 1b.

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    Plus adding this new currency would be friendly for people. Like now if we see in auction 400m is kinda a high number, but 4000 new currency is more friendly to players.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ooozer View Post
    Plus adding this new currency would be friendly for people. Like now if we see in auction 400m is kinda a high number, but 4000 new currency is more friendly to players.
    What's the point of a new currency that is just gold currency that worth more? For that you have gold bar...

    Cinco is right.

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    Quote Originally Posted by caabarader View Post
    What's the point of a new currency that is just gold currency that worth more? For that you have gold bar...

    Cinco is right.
    Let s take an example. Right now 100k gold worth nothing. So that means if we exchange for 1 new currency it will worth a lot. So we will bring the game back in time when players spend more time to farm and get gold. Meaning new currency. Definetly all of us would like to have value currency, not like the current one that worth nothing. So imagine if the ghost set will be put on sale at the new currency, and people won t struggle to get an offer for it in forum. Put we can manage more eazy small numbers than bigger ones.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ooozer View Post
    Let s take an example. Right now 100k gold worth nothing. So that means if we exchange for 1 new currency it will worth a lot. So we will bring the game back in time when players spend more time to farm and get gold. Meaning new currency. Definetly all of us would like to have value currency, not like the current one that worth nothing. So imagine if the ghost set will be put on sale at the new currency, and people won t struggle to get an offer for it in forum. Put we can manage more eazy small numbers than bigger ones.
    Well, still not making any sense, even when people hit 1B they don't stop farming because it's the limit, they simply exchange for a gold bar and keep farming, it's not a new currency that will make them farm more or make ghost set worth less or more with x currency than gold.

    People struggle getting offers on forums due high autos and isn't everyone interested or even can afford a ghost set, which greatly limits the reach of the sale thread.

    Sales ain't a trade problem anymore since gold bars, now the real problem are the sellers auto/their desire to really sell the item or just take offers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sampep View Post
    Spend 10m gold to purchase 1m diamond(new currency or something) .

    To use for instead I buy Jupiter for 1b gold I can use 100m diamonds.

    If I want to put something in auc like Medusa helm for 10b I cant because limit 1b gold, but I can put it for 1b diamonds instead
    This is what gold bars are for. No need for 'diamonds' or 'new gold.'
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