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  1. #1
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    Default heroic witchfur aa

    Name:  witchfur.png
Views: 302
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    Name:  witchf2.png
Views: 303
Size:  224.8 KB
    this is a pretty new pet and issue was found:

    +the aa should spawn a orange fog around mobs but regularly it didnt spawn at all
    +also the range of the fog seems off and tiny, mobs stand close to the fog but still dont "touch" it and dont get debuffed (+increase range of fog a tiny bit)
    + and the aa pushes mobs away but it doesnt say so in the description (+ either add it to description or remove the push)

  2.   Click here to go to the next Dev post in this thread.   #2
    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    The description will be updated to include the push - the design for the AA is defensive and the proc helps in this regard so it will stay.

    I have not been able to reproduce the issues that you describe. Witchfur / Heroic Witchfur regularly hit nearby targets with the AA and I have yet to find a case where it fails. Can you let me know where you are seeing this? From your screenshot (which appears shows it working as designed, with multiple Reptus enemies 'missing' their attacks since their hit chance drops to nothing) I see you are using this in Festerfang. I tested in this campaign and was again unable to reproduce any issue where it fails to hit appropriate targets.

    The fog visuals are roughly 3m in radius but the effect is actually 4m - and it appears to be nerfing hit chance, crit chance and damage for enemies that stray into that 4m radius. Are there particular "tiny mobs" that you could point out? I will retest with that info.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
    The description will be updated to include the push - the design for the AA is defensive and the proc helps in this regard so it will stay.

    I have not been able to reproduce the issues that you describe. Witchfur / Heroic Witchfur regularly hit nearby targets with the AA and I have yet to find a case where it fails. Can you let me know where you are seeing this? From your screenshot (which appears shows it working as designed, with multiple Reptus enemies 'missing' their attacks since their hit chance drops to nothing) I see you are using this in Festerfang. I tested in this campaign and was again unable to reproduce any issue where it fails to hit appropriate targets.

    The fog visuals are roughly 3m in radius but the effect is actually 4m - and it appears to be nerfing hit chance, crit chance and damage for enemies that stray into that 4m radius. Are there particular "tiny mobs" that you could point out? I will retest with that info.

    when used in elite vardan gates for multiple waves the fog didnt appear at all, im not sure why (while my pet was attacking mobs, i am aware no fog spawns when there is no mobs to hit) , its alright though it seems to work most of the time
    about the range it would just be greeat if it was like 0.5m or 1m bigger

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    Design Department Cinco's Avatar
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    Thanks for the additional information!

    I ran with Legendary Witchfur and with Heroic Witchfur in the Vardan Valley Gates (Elite - Solo) and every time I used the AA it worked. I saw the fog, the push back, and all of the appropriate combat effects on the monsters.

    There shouldn't be anything in your arsenal (weapons, equipment procs, etc.) that would put monsters in a state that prevents the AA from applying. There also doesn't appear to be anything in the monsters' behavior that would counter the application of Witchfur AA.

    So here's what I am thinking:
    - If you are seeing the 'push back' when you use the AA but you don't see the orange fog: check to see your 'battery saver' settings. Make sure it's set to give you the fastest frame rate (highest battery usage).
    - If you are not seeing the 'push back' when you use the AA: check your internet connection speed. It is possible that connection issues to our game server might be causing the combat to fall out of sync.
    - If you are not seeing the 'push back' and you're not seeing the orange fog: does the AA go on cooldown? If it does then the server is doing what it's supposed to be doing but you're not seeing it. In this case I would recommend deleting and reinstalling the game as it is possible that the data on your device is incomplete or damaged in some fashion.

    Let me know what you discover! Thanks for your patience :-)
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