Originally Posted by
The description will be updated to include the push - the design for the AA is defensive and the proc helps in this regard so it will stay.
I have not been able to reproduce the issues that you describe. Witchfur / Heroic Witchfur regularly hit nearby targets with the AA and I have yet to find a case where it fails. Can you let me know where you are seeing this? From your screenshot (which appears shows it working as designed, with multiple Reptus enemies 'missing' their attacks since their hit chance drops to nothing) I see you are using this in Festerfang. I tested in this campaign and was again unable to reproduce any issue where it fails to hit appropriate targets.
The fog visuals are roughly 3m in radius but the effect is actually 4m - and it appears to be nerfing hit chance, crit chance and damage for enemies that stray into that 4m radius. Are there particular "tiny mobs" that you could point out? I will retest with that info.