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To hijack this thread I have a few fixes for PvP that could be implemented.
Level 30-45 Honor is borderline unplayable as long as we continue to have below 90 hit, 5 H/s and 10 M/s. With hit being so low you’ll have often miss streaks where maybe 2 of 9 skills land. With how fast paced 30/45 honor is one miss will impact gameplay. The mana and health regen situation as equally as bad as the lack of hit. Mage fights often reach a point where you spend 10 seconds autoing each other to death because 11 mana regen isn’t enough. For bears and birds no health regen makes it harder to deal with healers who can just run away to safety while chunking our health. Below is the what i think should be copied and pasted onto Ring Of Honors for each specific class.
15 Damage, 15% Crit, 10 Hit%, 10 H/s, 8 M/s added to Birds added to Archer Ring Of Honor
10% Crit, 10% Hit, 10 M/s added to Mage Ring Of Honor
3% Crit, 10% Hit, 16 H/s, 5 M/s, 15 Armor added to Warrior Ring Of Honor
4% Crit, 5% Hit, 12 H/s, 10 M/s, 10 Armor added to Paladin Ring Of Honor
10% Crit, 5 Hit%, 9 H/s, 5 M/s added to Ranger Ring Of Honor
Level 20 Haunted Castle Bat Sword, Staff, and Bow needs to have all of their armor taken away or at least dropped to 3 maximum. These haunted weapons would have been perfect if not for the fact that a 2H with Sword has more than even a level 40, excluding elites, bear using plat sword and plat shield.
Passives should have a minimum level requirement of 65 to free up skill points in certain levels like 35. There’s simply no way to max buffs, damage abilities, and passives without having to cut corner. For some classes it’s best not to run passives at all as the trade off of is just not worth it. Another reason is how much passives scale with high damage weapons like long swords. A35 fox with bugged shred, shred takes double the amount of armor it says it’s supposed to, could easily one shot a full tank bear in a single auto. At 61 a Sanguine Bow Fox easily 4 taps a orlok bear through 230 armor and 5 sturdiness.
I’d also like to see a further nerf towards 25 Elites. The weaker these items become the more levels are brought back. WHAMM, BLAMM, and ZAMM are still the best armors til 50 where they are FINALLY beaten out by something else, which so happens to be a level 50 elite armor that’s hurting PvP in level 71.