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    Default Reduce drop gold on all map please

    ----Easy gold----

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    LoL Easy Gold ,Now All item 100-400M and u want to drop chance gold ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Danielwij23 View Post
    LoL Easy Gold ,Now All item 100-400M and u want to drop chance gold ?
    Well, If they are at this price, it is for a reason, what do you think?

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    How about the non-stop 40% plat sale for the past several months? There are many many players just minting gold on a daily basis, selling auras, awakes, keys, slots, etc.

    Let's be realistic. F2P players looting a few thousand gold from chests in zodias or from Grohl here and there isn't the issue. If you reduce map gold again (already severely nerfed on most zodias maps months ago), say goodbye to lots of good players who for various reasons can't afford plat atm. Such as an unexpected $27000+ vet hospital bill for a beloved cat. (True story.) Or, you know, fun stuff like paying the for electricity and the mortgage when someone loses work. (Also true story.)

    Plat offers were cut off with no warning, lower weapons don't drop jewels like kraken and better, elite chest prices have died, so there are lots of folks with zero path to new gear other than map gold.

    Leave map gold alone. We need more geared players to keep this game alive, not less.

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    This won't solve the insane prices. Will just make players who don't spend money to go.

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    You think they care about 24 hour grinders. They only care about spenders. Look at the event. Best you can get as a free-to-play is a purple circle above your head.

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    just reduce the op’s gold drops
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    If you want to reduce gold drops from all maps, at least make all items in the game easy to get from maps or crates/chests. It's useless to nerv gold drops if the item prices are still high

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    Nerf gold means harder for everyone to get gear lol maps will be more dead than what it is now
    rich player doesn't care, new player can't afford shet gold loot their only glimpse of hope.

    Just make sure top maps like hedo doesn't pump too much gold with it getting one shot from new blood gear

    ign Battling /irg /answer
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    The maps like indigo allow not so rich players to assist decked out players to slowly gain gold such that one day they can gear up. If there's going to be a nerf, nerf the map that excludes the weaker players because they can't help to finish a boss in a couple of procs. Things are expensive, but still obtainable with a few months of farming without boss bypassing. It's a necessary evil that plats need to be bought and spent, but allow the farmers to farm for gold. Everytime there's a gold nerf or difficulty increase, it just makes the OP players not join in random maps to help out anymore and people can't finish. Rahabor was the perfect example, once people can't finish with just a basic krak set, they didn't play anymore.
    IGN: Kakashi <-Therapy-> -I am PVE!

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    Analyzing gold inflow per zone is on the list of things to do.


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    Reducing gold yet again is a bad idea, especially for f2p gold farmers. That's all we have! Merching isn't part of this topic either, not everyone merches. Us f2p need that good gold loot drops to keep up with expensive af gear that only comes from rich af plat players which in fact free players also help contribute to p2w to be even richer as they sell their items we bust our rears to grind for gold to buy those items. Sad devs and plat players shove us f2p under a rug like we aren't part of the game. Stop messing with the gold ffs!

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    Imo, It's completely useless removing or reducing gold inflow. It's the only thing keeping f2p grinding the game.

    Also the prices right now are as it is, not because of inflation. It's because of rarity and plat usage in game. Plat spenders determine prices of literally every single item of arcane rarity which is released into the game. There is literally no other way to obtain items in game other than hope some rich guy swipes his card for 50 key chests or locked openings hopefully looting items to sell.

    Also the prices are subjective and kept at a high rate because of egotistical players trying to be better than others. (Which is absolutely normalized in this game with awakes and LB, etc.) Hence not wanting others to obtain anything for the actual value. Instead they price it at higher value which they themselves know is ridiculous. But it becomes the norm since 90% of the player base who are f2p have absolutely no say in pricing stuff.

    Look what happened to speed sets. Is it beginner friendly now? 60mill for a speed set? Who did that? It's literally players who mess up the market and then it becomes the norm. It's a cycle of plat and ego which makes it seem like inflation and all this nonsense exist all this whilst f2p grind all day to catch up to this rat race.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Corviness View Post
    Reducing gold yet again is a bad idea, especially for f2p gold farmers. That's all we have! Merching isn't part of this topic either, not everyone merches. Us f2p need that good gold loot drops to keep up with expensive af gear that only comes from rich af plat players which in fact free players also help contribute to p2w to be even richer as they sell their items we bust our rears to grind for gold to buy those items. Sad devs and plat players shove us f2p under a rug like we aren't part of the game. Stop messing with the gold ffs!
    Yeah exactly, imagine no gold loot maps at all. Hypothetical scenario. We get only 2k per run in indigo.

    It's almost guaranteed that a blood artifact looted by a plat player would be priced at 100million at least, (or some ridiculous amount which somehow tries to widen the gap between average and OP players.) That's exactly how it used to be even back in the day at 46 arcanes. An item was around 2-4million per piece when gold was hard to obtain. Only way for gold was through locked grand crates of the watch. It took months to get the arcanes, just like how it is now. There is literally no difference whatsoever. The gap in income back then and value of items back then is the exact same as it is now. It's just more 00000s now 1,000,000 and 1,000,000,000.

    It's subjective player pricing keeping the market alive and ruining it at the same time, since f2p have absolutely no way to get items in the game other than 50 key chests ALSO FOR PLAT. The ruining of the market is done through unwantedly high subjective pricing. Players don't want you to have full gear, because they want to be more op, faster, etc ,etc. Since this thread is talking about gold drops no point talking about solutions here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asommers View Post
    Analyzing gold inflow per zone is on the list of things to do.

    I’d prefer you make my rapacity gold set better please, since platinum purchase for a set to get gold is hard to come by. Thx �� .

    I see no issue with the gold, because that’s why we have gold sets, gold generation gems that we can’t remove (really I dislike not removing gems, it’s the point of having slotted gear), gold loot awakes, and gold loot pets and hard levels to earn the gold that we invest to earn it.

    Just fix the gem slotting issue and make those removable and we will be ok.  6901
    PL-Ghosts | SL-DL-AL- Ghost | SL-DL-AL-Octavos

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    Quote Originally Posted by octavos View Post
    I’d prefer you make my rapacity gold set better please, since platinum purchase for a set to get gold is hard to come by. Thx �� .

    I see no issue with the gold, because that’s why we have gold sets, gold generation gems that we can’t remove (really I dislike not removing gems, it’s the point of having slotted gear), gold loot awakes, and gold loot pets and hard levels to earn the gold that we invest to earn it.

    Just fix the gem slotting issue and make those removable and we will be ok.
    yess add + another25%ms or 10%dmg pls

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    Gold reduction won’t solve your problem. Level rewards for each level we reach should be better. Legendary gear is completely useless, I believe that is safe to say. and level rewards should be buffed and pushed to 86. At least we would be able to complete the storyline. I believe every player should have a starter speed set with spirit gear at level 65 /75/86. And please bring back level 41 mythic in level rewards. Level rewards needs a major buff I will say.

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    Nerfing gold drop will be a knee shot for game let me explain how 24/7 grinder see that situation. Im playing few years f2p between 81 lvl maps and 86 lvl maps is a huge difference in difficultly so we all need good stuff to farm. For example elite indigo needs at last kraken set, sb set 7/6 to make succesfull runs + speed set which cost now like 60m the cheapest one + gold loot set. All of this cost around 1B. So to start be just fine in elite indigo we need around 1B gold. Im making around 4m per hour so to just farm back my investition I need 250 hours non stop farming ~ 14 days. Its huge amount because its impossible to farm non stop. So lets be realistic I can farm like 5 hours per day which means I need 50 days to earn back this money. Unstable economy also making this process more harder. I want to play elite hedo like others but well I need another 1B gold for blood set to be not kicked from the party because 7/6 sb + kraken is a trash there. Its another 50 days of grind. Game pushing me to the limit allready If players like me will stop playing noone will buy thoose items from spenders. Spenders will not buy plats this is connected. We depends on each other. Nerfing gold drop will regress me in development than I will have no reason to stay. If someone have too much money and saying " need to nerf gold drop " pls message to me and share I will be grateful for every million. New players situation is even more whorse because hotbars, crafting slots are for plats only they will leave before they get to like the game. If any of the developers are reading this thank you for letting me share my thoughts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Camelot View Post
    Nerfing gold drop will be a knee shot for game let me explain how 24/7 grinder see that situation. Im playing few years f2p between 81 lvl maps and 86 lvl maps is a huge difference in difficultly so we all need good stuff to farm. For example elite indigo needs at last kraken set, sb set 7/6 to make succesfull runs + speed set which cost now like 60m the cheapest one + gold loot set. All of this cost around 1B. So to start be just fine in elite indigo we need around 1B gold. Im making around 4m per hour so to just farm back my investition I need 250 hours non stop farming ~ 14 days. Its huge amount because its impossible to farm non stop. So lets be realistic I can farm like 5 hours per day which means I need 50 days to earn back this money. Unstable economy also making this process more harder. I want to play elite hedo like others but well I need another 1B gold for blood set to be not kicked from the party because 7/6 sb + kraken is a trash there. Its another 50 days of grind. Game pushing me to the limit allready If players like me will stop playing noone will buy thoose items from spenders. Spenders will not buy plats this is connected. We depends on each other. Nerfing gold drop will regress me in development than I will have no reason to stay. If someone have too much money and saying " need to nerf gold drop " pls message to me and share I will be grateful for every million. New players situation is even more whorse because hotbars, crafting slots are for plats only they will leave before they get to like the game. If any of the developers are reading this thank you for letting me share my thoughts.

    Wysłane z mojego RMX2193 przy użyciu Tapatalka
    100% agreed with the how much grinding is needed to stay relevant in this game. Not due to inflation. Solely due to the fact that EVERYTHING you and I own as equipment was once inside a locked chest which needed to be opened by plat (90% of equipment). Nothing f2p can do whatsoever to obtain items other than purchase them for the fixed prices (insanely high) posted by those who own the equipment or keys (plat).

    What can a f2p do other than farm to get gold to buy these insanely expensive items? Please let us know if any one has a answer to this.

    If plat users had any concern about the rising prices they would just reduce prices while selling items of value. It's as simple as that. Or if STS is concerned with the rising prices, building methods for f2p to open locked and loot items of value is another possible option (not through keys). Without having either or both of these suggestions, nerfing gold loot is a terribly wrong move. Cuz prices will be ridiculously high for items regardless of whether gold is nerfed or not.

    It has been this way since the time players were farming for locked grand crates of the watch.

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    As someone that uses plat I can tell you that the absurd amount of plat you need to spend sets the prices. If something drops easy it's cheap. If it takes 300$+ for an item then it's gonna be expensive. Simple as that.

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