blood helm and armor have better interaction when gun, sword, bow procs
but when I try the rusk weapon gun (charged) the blood helm and armor can barely proc, the interaction its very bad with the rusk weapons
can please check, test that, thanks
blood helm and armor have better interaction when gun, sword, bow procs
but when I try the rusk weapon gun (charged) the blood helm and armor can barely proc, the interaction its very bad with the rusk weapons
can please check, test that, thanks
The proc frequency is driven by the number of damage events that happen.
In other words, the proc chance of your Blood Star Helmet and Blood Star Armor are related to the number of times you deal damage - therefore your Blood Helm, Armor, have a greater chance to proc if you do a lot of individual damage events (irrespective of how much damage is dealt by a single event).
In that sense, the Rusk would be even more efficient than the Kraken or SB weapons themselves,
due to the frequency of damage it does in that event, but no!?
So that doesn't make sense,
Even if I do the same with the Star Beast Orb, I manage to activate the armor and helmet more effectively,
In this sense it has nothing to do with whether I "charge" a proc with a weapon as such, it's simply that the Rusk weapon is not well related to the activations
There is no difference in the activations - and testing it myself I don't see a difference in the Blood Star Armor or Blood Star Helmet proc activation rates.
I'll happily test again. What is the specific name of this Rusk weapon you are using (I was looking at the Force Hunter's Railgun of Vengeance)?
I tested it with 3 weapons, the kraken gun, the star beast orb, and the dynamo rusk gun
The only one that has the strange interaction is the dynamo rusk gun, whether I charge it or not
Tested in Hollow Grove (Elite):
+ My Blood Star Armor and Helmet both proc almost immediately when using charged attack from a Rusk Dynamo Underslung Carbine.
+ Proc rate for the Blood Star Armor and Helmet seem roughly equivalent when I use the Searing Eye of the Star Beast (both standard and charged attacks).
+ In my local tests I got a much better proc chance for Blood Star Armor and Helmet when I charged the Rusk Dynamo Underslung Carbine - compared to when I used a charged attack from the Searing Eye weapon.
So there is no technical issue here with respect to a specific weapon somehow behaving differently in relation to other gear.
One idea to explain what you are experiencing would be related to your loadout: if you are using different loadouts try making the loadouts entirely the same with the one exception of the weapon. It is possible, however unlikely, that your loadout for Star Beast Orb or Kraken Gun has other pieces of gear that provide additional damage events that improve the proc chance of the Blood Star Armor, Helmet. On the other hand, if you are not swapping loadouts while testing (meaning that you have all the same gear except for the weapon) I don't know what to tell you - 'cause I can't make it go sideways :-)
thank you for test
I'm checking if I had a build of Krakens armor with a blood helmet and vice versa and maybe it was my mistake,
but I'm sure not because I haven't touched my loadout equipment
Maybe it was just a coincidence, but there were several runs where the procs didn't come out only with that weapon well like with the others mentioned,
then there I started to try with my orb, and with my gun kraken and well,
thanks again, its just rng I guess