Can we have a seperate lb for us hardcores instead of including us on regular player lb? Make it top 25 instead of 20 since we got a fewer players than normal thanks!
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Can we have a seperate lb for us hardcores instead of including us on regular player lb? Make it top 25 instead of 20 since we got a fewer players than normal thanks!
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should be less slots for top scores since less players, that way the active hcs compete for top spots
We don't plan on adding hardcore leaderboards any time soon, but we do have plans to discuss how to involve hardcore more in events.
then whats the point of hardcore if they make all mobs/bosses/zones weak as hell that cant kill you
We are talking about events here and absolutely majority of events are not worth it(rewards wise) if you die and lose months of hard work.
Events should be casual if they want more hc to participate. Casual in a sense that you don't have to be maxed out top hc in order to survive.
Most of hc deaths in events happen not because of player mistake but due to lag (ping spike) so how's it challenging?
There must be challenging content (and there is) where hc can die easily like zodias and elder maps.
What I am saying is, if event is deadly and reward is meh don't expect many hc running it.
oh my b read that wrong, but how does lag have anything to do with editing event difficulty, thats not an sts problems, thats a personal wifi/signal problem "Most of hc deaths in events happen not because of player mistake but due to lag (ping spike) so how's it challenging?"
overall i like how the events are, hardcore is supposed to be hard, if they dont wanna die/restart/or risk that, they dont need to play hc, simple
though im sure "involving hardcores more" isnt about editing difficulties, more probably about exclusive loot/drops or anything exclusive for hc
btw , what is your hardcore ign?
I mentioned reduced difficulty because currently best stuff in events come from locked crates and loot often times not worth the risk so many hc just pop crates at best or simply skip event if it is too difficult and risky.
I like the idea of hc lb with maybe 5 spots max for each class and exclusive rewards and keeping difficulty above average.
But that's very exclusive and available only for a dozen-two top hc players so if the goal is to involve wider hc audience then I don't know how to attract more without reducing the risk.
One option could be providing a choice - do easy portal/map/boss and get less points/gold/etc or pick a difficult one and get rewarded accordingly. This way lb runners (extreme players) would run the difficult one and casual or weaker players grind easy and safe one. Something like Oligarch vs Boogie portal in Halloween.
My hc ign is beatcore, if you played hc long enough then you probably know me![]()