I'd like to announce the new guild, and it's leader!

Name: Pocket Legendiers
Leader: Me!

This guild is for EVERYONE! Merchers, PvPers, PvEers, Noobs, the Rich, the Poor, the great, the peasants, if you Rome Alterra with no guild, we accept you in with care!

Rules(These WILL grow!);
No language.
No being mean/bullying others.
No spamming.
No cheating.
No begging.
No scamming.
The basic rules of the game!

We are a BRAND NEW guild, with no new members, alts are welcome! If you would like to join or know a friend that would like to join, comment below your IGN! This guild is very organized, Tier 2 Currently, and will hold CONTESTS, EVENTS, and PARTIES!!

Thanks for reading!