First I'd like to start off with what I experienced today!

So, I was doing the daily quest from Hedwig to get the egg. So I turned it in at the mailbox, and it did nothing but say I completed the quest, when usually it comes up with a chest and says what I got, but this instance I got an egg(not knowing because it doesn't say you did). I didn't realize I did until I checked my inventory 5 minutes later for items.

So I suggest to fix this, because the same thing happened when I finished the daily quest from Sheeba and turned it in and got Abigail, it didn't say I got her. So maybe it should say you or the egg!

Next, y'all should put the ping in the bottom right hand corner, because I don't like having to check it by clicking the top and not being able to fight at the same time.

Thank you.