guild master kiffnshey
officer @ assitant gm - measian (job n duty arrange for newbie team run and helping guildies)

officer @ assistant gm - language (job and duty arrange for elite team run and helping guildies)

officers@assistant gm - mikaelson (job and duty arrange for elite team run and helping guildies)

officers - dlrowchtkcuf ( job and duty arrange for hauntlel team run and helping guildies)

officers - youthanasia (job and duty arrange for hauntlel team run and helping guildies)

officers - deusxx ( job and duty cover any run require by other officers and helping guildies )

officers - cashews ( job and duty multimedia and information and helping guildies)

: Officers -selendria (job and duty cover any run require by other officer and helping guildies)

officers -azikbaj (job and duty cover any run require by other officer and helping guildies)

officers -asirenz ( job and duty cover any run require by other officer and helping guildies)

officers -grauzip (job and duty cover any run require by other officer and helping guildies)

officers -greenigrab (job and duty cover any run require by other officer and helping guildies)