Uh hi... I kinda wanna help out the forums but also am kinda doubtful bc of the trollers... anyway lets go

Look most of you should know this. Buy low and sell somewhat in high or medium.
If you're looking for something to buy and sell back, I'd tell you to buy winter fest items l10-20 PINKS. There's alot of collecters out there that will pay a good price for them. Just buy them at least 33% off cs price ( IK the cs is not a price guide. But the cs is mostly accurate about the prices and that's what people will usually pay for them or at least around there. ).

Don't be afraid to buy out of cs if you see a low price on a item you know you can sell for a profit. WARNING - DO NOT BUY ITEMS FROM CS UNLESS U HAVE SOLD THEM BEFORE. Because, lets say theres an item thats 100K and the lowest offer thats next is 250K. Do not take it because it might end up that 100K is a high price for it.

Try and get daily buyers, each one of them can end up making you huge profits.

If you dont feel comfortable selling an item, than dont buy it. I've always trusted my gut and has always made me not make losses.

Ask people for help. Ask people for help. Everyone has asked for help sometime or another in their life. Ask people what a good price is, at least it's better than losing money right?

Try and put some of your money in you're stash if you can so you can always have that for an emergency, like let's say a really good item is being sold low and you need money... the money in you're stash is for that reason! To not miss a single opportunity!

Another way is saying this in balefort. Buying pinks 50-70% off cs. WARNING- DO NOT SPAM IT.

Well thanks! If any of you have any other way it'd be my pleasure to add it!