Hey Devs,
I notice a bug with the healing regeneration moves of avaians.
the move said 5 sec of +4 heal regen rate PLUS +10 health every level. so at lvl 1 u shoudl get 14 than +4 for 4 secs. However i have a lvl 4! move of that and each time i use it, it always only heals 2x, like 22, 24 or even 26, and sometimes 14.
That's seriously messed up and i havent been able to get much hp out of and so i die a lot during boss fights. AT lv4 i should be getting +44 on use of move and +4 h/r for 4 secs afterward and +54 at lv 5. Also please consider raising health regen or increase time rate b/c when ur a crossbow bird and cant also have a shield. and mobs are mobbing you u tend to use HP ALOTTT!!
Thanks and please fix it asap liek next update! Keep the awesome job going!