I actually am a begineer in this type of games and this is my first mmorpg played. I have a level 18, almost 19 rogue and i couldn't help notice that my rogue is much weaker than other rogues. I Lately tried to find as many chests as i could, sell them, and i managed to get 50k gold. Please, if there is any pro here, give me some advices about What dungeons should i run, What passives should i invest skill points into, What items should i Try to buy etc Here are my specs: Str:26 Hp:1036 Dex: 164 Bonus dmg : 182 Dodge : 14,76 Critical : 7,92 Damage: 75,7 Intelligence: 53 Mana: 655 DPS: 136,3 Armor:455 Pet: cerella
