I'm trying to get some info on good stat builds for rhino. Hopefully all those who have a high-level rhino can chime in with their experiences.

I think it's pretty clear that a rhino will want some str. The class is at least semi-tankable, and really needs to be able to stay up and swinging to be relevant with its poor damage output. So to me the question comes down to where to put the rest of the stats: dex or int?

I started my rhino doing str/int, but later on I started adding to dex when I got sick of missing all the time. I have to say, I'm a lot happier with dex than int, at least on a personal performance level. What I don't know is whether it's having a major downside on the party enhancements. I can't really see my buffs/debuffs obviously making the party run smoother. As a result, I don't know if that's just because they don't really help much or my character is too lacking in the right stats to make the buffs pay off.

Does anyone have any suggestions on good rhino builds for 65-75? Anyone experimented with dex vs int and can weigh in on their relative value?