Hi devs and mods, (and fellow forums people)
I just thought of this suggestion today and was hoping for somw feedback and hopefully you devs and mods can decide if you like this idea.

Ok so you know how we have 5emote packs?(one free, 4paid wirh plats to get) so what about a 6th emote pack? Either the name the "HAHA PACK" or the "LOLZ PACK"(u can decide a new name If u want to)
So I currently thought of 3 emotes. Thinking of the fourth.
The 3 I got are:
The Facepalm:a emote where you facepalm yourself
The Play Dead:where you pretend to be dead for a few seconds.
The Trip and Fall: where you look like you were walking then you trip on a rock that suddenly appears infront of you and you get tripped.

Thats all I can think of at the moment. Please commwnt below for suggestions and feedback thanks.
Also:ty for reading this