tbh this message is straight towards techno and the whole pvp situation.... for a while now people have been desperating crying out to sts about unbalanced pvp... any changes techno has mad , obviously hasn't improved the feelings of the players nor has it had a huge impact on pvp... and i think i know the solution. Evertime there has been a change to pvp related stats, techno has changed what he feels best , and lets be honest here... everyone knows the changes have just made it even worse. we complained about birds dex sets being too overpowered, so techno increases strength gears armor and dodge... that just has effects on bears and paladins(str mages) chances against birds... this effected int mages in a negative way, making more pallies and more angered full int mages, so after a few more times of complaining , techno changes stats of the sets again, but... as obvious as it was, it was for the worse again. Instead of helping mages , he slightly increases the armor of the inteligence set, and ups the damage of dex set , therefor no change at all... complaining continues on with mages etc, he changes stats again , thus lowering armor back to its orginial stats and upping dodge by a few lowsy points.. and ups dex set dodge once again , thus on changes. so i came to the conclusion that instead of making pvp even worse than it is from your own updates , one solution , well shall i say a huge solution , would be to listen to the players... i recently had a huge conversation with the player ACE. and he has some pretty good ideas of what would make a more balanced pvp. He himself , thought i had a good idea also. So i futhered my interviews with players and they had even better ideas to make pvp more balanced. Now i have seen multiple threads pertaining to pvp. and all were good ideas. So my suggestion would to stop updating with random stat increases and deductions and start listening to the players... you'd be suprised of what you might see...