I've been thinking about the Rhino Palidan class lately, and it seems to me that this class is a bit... underpowered.
I'm leveling up my own pally class to see how they are and I can't stop noticing a few things.
The Rhino Might spell can be a good example. When compared to the Stomp the bears use, this skill is a weak. The range of effectiveness is 3m while Stomp has a range of 8m which is a very big difference.
The bear's taunt skill costs 0 mana to use and gives a considerable amount of dodge, but the Rhino's Summon skill costs mana and lowers enemy dodge with a very marginal DoT effect. The thing here is that bears can use a skill for free while Rhinos have to use mana to do about the same thing. Mana usage is an issue I'll bring up soon.
Soon as in now. Rhinos blow through mana like water going through a bucket with a hole in the bottom. I'm sure people notice this instantly. The only mana regeneration skill costs a hefty mana to activate just for a small 3 seconds of extended mana boost. (Just to say that it's useless. Why spend mana to regenerate mana? Especially with this class that is dependent on mana)
That's just a small part of the things that bring this class down from its true potential. I'd like to ask you all a question now:

What do you think of the Rhinos? Do you think they are underpowered, overpowered, or balanced?