I'm a huge fan of STS and I have all there games and play all though arcane legends is in development and is newest I thought I could put up some ideas to help out?

1: it would be great to put our potions in stash like in pl and sl

2. It would also help if we can stash all curency in the stash the gold and story tokens for 3 toons I can try and save for colton faster

3. As a paying customer and as a great fan of free offers I took 4months to get the snowman and manny other pets it would be huge help if we can turn pets back into eggs

For #3 you may think that its not fair if high lvl puts there pet into egg gets low lvl and gets easy lvl up or what not so on dueing three if you cold I don't mind if the levels reset or you payed 2k gold per pet reverse but I have 17 pets on one acount and I want to restart that character so this would really help me and even with 2k gold each at 17 pets would cause me to either bey or farm for 32k gold and that would be one things id use plat to quickly bey

4: you should also make vanities like the winter one for all classes and make them trasversal I didn't want to bey a winter set for all characters so I only bought it for my rogue but wana wear it on witchever character I'm playing