Okay, rant first;
I just did 2 matches in a row where people would quit the match and then join the other team. The first match it was 3v2 in my favor (3 my team 2 theirs) we were ahead and one person felt bad so he joined their team. The other person, who was a friend of his, followed him when he realized it. This now made it 4v1 against me on CTF... I was a bit irritated, I defended my flag fairly well and ended up only losing 1 capture before more people joined the game (and my team). In the end it was 5v5 and they won by 1. Then I joined a DM, by the time the match started it was 3v2, this time not in my favor. The other person on my team was a scrub and we were losing (i'm not that great either, and this guy was worse than me). At just over a minute he leaves the game, then joins their team. It is now 4v1 again and I am getting my *** kicked hard. Shortly there after they split up and started spawn camping me (though this allowed me to get a few kills because it became 1v1. However as soon as I would spawn I would get hit with fully charged plague rats, so I start at a disadvantage. This is unsportsmanlike conduct in its fullest. Complete with people talking trash.

This kind of stuff needs to end. Their needs to be a block implemented to where the gap in players never goes above one. If a team has 1 more player than the other team, that team should be un-joinable until it is evened out. Almost every other PvP game in existence has this. There also needs to be a penalty for leaving a game and joining the other team, or just leaving the game. Something to the effect of a 2 minute debuff that prevents them from joining a game until it has expired (the 2 minute thing shouldn't start until the game does, this allows people to exit and try to get more players before the game starts).