Sam had posted a few days ago that those farming CTF Kills will not be banned. And of course, I agree with this position. You cannot ban someone for doing something that you never previously stated was against the rules. However, you can do what is fair going forward....

It is fair to say that in the realm of normal play in CTF, it would be mathematically impossible for one toon to kill another more than a certain number of times. I'm not sure what that number is, but let's suppose it is 500 just for discussion purposes. I play CTF at least 2-3 hours per day and I only have 1700 kills overall, so I cannot imagine I killed any one single player more than about 50 times. But some play more often than me, and some own much more than me, so maybe their kills are much higher. But even then I cannot imagine them killing another player more than 500 times. You would be lucky to even end up in a game with the same player so many times, and then you would have to dominate them to the point that it's just not believable.

What STS should do is adjust CTF Kill numbers to reflect this. If you killed the same toon more than 500 times, you should only get credit for the first 500 kills. If you killed the same toon more than 1000 times, then I think they should adjust this number down to 1 kill as it is obvious you were kill farming. And they should do this the day before Season 2 ends, not a moment sooner. Maybe this will send the message that those who obviously spent days/hours kill farming just wasted a lot of their time.

This will cause the leaderboards to adjust to reflect the true leaders in this category and not the players who cheated. No system will be 100% perfect, but this will at least discourage cheating.