Quote Originally Posted by Cero View Post
wow , would be nice if everyone can see this fight, like do it with a video

and also im hearing that lvl15below dont have 1-2hits ko. is it true?
if so then those lvls are best for pvp. endgame got tons and fast kills isnt fun.
Yeah mate, that is actually the main reason why I decided to go down from 16 rogue to lvl 10 mage and lvl 10 rogue because of that very reason. It's not like that in level 10, it lasts longer, I actually think its more skill-based having played both. Although, the problem is, nowadays I see people twinking at lvl 11, 12,13 which is really annoying. I won't point anyone out because I know they're good players but everyone should stay within the twinking levels or else its just an unfair advantage, especially since its not like level 16 where you have elite gear, there is a whole new gear set at 11,12,13. Anyways, you should try it out, the full twink mage set is actually very cheap, probably cost you a total of around 80k, warrior and rogue are a little more expensive, although mage's are op as hell ^_^