We are a very new guild!
And we are recruiting - Almost all our current members are more or less adults (>30yo)
We really don't enjoy the word "noob" that much - so if that word is active in your vocabulary, please move along
We play for fun, we don't take this so superserious!
Basic rules:
- no begging! Get your own gold for gods sakes
- when in IQ, don't cause drama! (Unless that betch had it coming)
- be active and you'll get to be either recruiter, or an officer..
- Have fun, help others and kick some arse!!!
- Own a sense of humor

If you still like to join our merry lil group:
/friend Matsku, Matzq, Waleno, Seeboy, Therealseven, Notanugget or Vuckotata
And PM when some of us is online and ask for an invite

Play save, and i hope to see you guys soon!!