Quote Originally Posted by JaytB View Post
I don't think there are weapons with .33x (3x a second as in your example) weapon speed, are there? Maybe the example is a bit extreme but I get what you're saying. This mechanic would indeed explain why high DPS weapons are more effective as compared to PL.

But that's if you auto-attack (or however it's called here). I got hardly any dead spots in my skill rotation so I don't really get a chance to use the attack button a lot. And then there's that generally terrible weapon range, especially with those lv25 high DPS/rods.

Anyway, thanks for clarifying. Learning something new everyday
actually you can really maximize your dps by AA just before skill attacks. There doesn't seem to be any GCD (global cool-down) when you do a AA, but there is about a .5s GCD after each sorcerer spell. So, max dps is AA immediately followed by skill, AA skill, etc.