Really excited to join been in contact with doom prob gna join later today Lvl 14 ATM and glad to be coming into a active guild
Really excited to join been in contact with doom prob gna join later today Lvl 14 ATM and glad to be coming into a active guild
Wonderful, glad to have you. I will look for you when I get online later today.
This month's kill contest will be on May 13th at 5 PM Central.
Please meet in guild hall 15 mins before contest begins.
Prizes for both high and low level winners is 50,000 gold each.
Last edited by karma; 05-02-2013 at 04:12 PM.
Provided i compete, I have an orb on the table as well, for the high tier. If i'm not available to compete, then all one has to do is break my record.
It doesn't matter how many men you have....they are still no match for ME....- LuBu
Sometimes the brightest and most beautiful star, is the one best viewed from afar. IGN- Notasparkly
This month we have more prizes than usual. Here are the possible prizes this month:
High Level Tier Prizes
1st place:50,000 gold
Possible bonus to winner for getting more kills than Notasparkly or breaking his record: Lvl 36 Obsidian Crystal relic gem. (special this month only)
Low Level Tier Prizes
1st place: 50,000 gold
2nd place: Vanity prize
3rd place: Vanity prize
Huge thanks to Notasparkly for donating the Obsidian Crystal and Tannthree for donating the vanities.
Thanks to all that came out to yesterday's kill contest! Here is the outcome...
High Level Winner: Doomdoom, lvl 36, total kills in 15 mins was 905
Low Level Winner: Dienoobs, lvl 23, total kills in 15 mins was 772
Notasparkly still holds the kill record of 992 kills in 15 minutes.
The total number of kills of all participants combined was 5,272 kills in 15 minutes.
Last edited by karma; 05-14-2013 at 12:37 PM. Reason: Added total kill number
It's almost time for another kill are the pics from last month. Better late than never right??
Shot of people that competed....
Last months winners....
DL IGNs: doomdoom, doomdoomdoom, littledoom, tinydoom
Guild Master of Satan's Cheerleaders
This month's kill contest will be this Saturday, June 8th, at 11 PM Central.
We're doing things a little differently this month. In the past, it has always been on the 13th....but we've heard that a lot of people can't make it cuz of work or school when it's during the we thought having it on a Saturday might be better. Plus...the acting GM (me) will be on a plane most of the day on the it's a good time to try moving it to a Saturday. ^_^
We've also decided to add an extra tier to the competition. The total amount of gold awarded will still be 100,000 gold divided as follows:
High-Level tier: Levels 30 and up....winner gets 50,000 gold
Mid-Level tier: Levels 20-29....winner gets 25,000 gold
Low-Level tier: Levels 19 and below.....winner gets 25,000 gold
Note: there is no obsidian gem awarded for breaking the record (that was a special for May only)....only bragging rights this time.
DL IGNs: doomdoom, doomdoomdoom, littledoom, tinydoom
Guild Master of Satan's Cheerleaders
Then....allow me to brag ^_-
It doesn't matter how many men you have....they are still no match for ME....- LuBu
Sometimes the brightest and most beautiful star, is the one best viewed from afar. IGN- Notasparkly
Thanks to everyone that came to our June kill contest! It was even more exciting than usual thanks to double damage weekend!
Congrats to our winners!!
High Level Winner: Notasparkly (lvl 36) kills in 15 mins...999**
Mid Level Winner: Dienoobs (lvl 24) kills in 15 mins...853
Low Level Winner: Princessdoll (lvl 19) kills in 15 mins...676
The total number of kills of all participants combined was 6,097 kills in 15 minutes. Great job everyone! ^_^
**New Record with Double Damage weekend: Notasparkly 999
Current Record without Double Damage: Notasparkly 992
A pic of our winners and the current GM (me)....
DL IGNs: doomdoom, doomdoomdoom, littledoom, tinydoom
Guild Master of Satan's Cheerleaders
lmao nicee
Congrats to our two new officers: Alisonpetrova and Sheusaza!
Last edited by doomdoomdoom; 07-10-2013 at 06:12 PM. Reason: Added pics of Alison and Sheusaza
DL IGNs: doomdoom, doomdoomdoom, littledoom, tinydoom
Guild Master of Satan's Cheerleaders
yay! new officers.
Congrats to one more officer that just got promoted...Azejeasaw!
DL IGNs: doomdoom, doomdoomdoom, littledoom, tinydoom
Guild Master of Satan's Cheerleaders
This month's kill contest will be this Saturday, July 13th, at 8 PM Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Please meet in guild hall about 10-15 minutes early.
The total amount of gold awarded will still be 100,000 gold divided as follows:
High-Level tier: Levels 30 and up....winner gets 50,000 gold
Mid-Level tier: Levels 20-29....winner gets 25,000 gold
Low-Level tier: Levels 19 and below.....winner gets 25,000 gold
Update: We will also be awarding vanity prizes for all second place winners.
World Clock Time Zone Converter:
Last edited by doomdoomdoom; 07-11-2013 at 01:51 PM.
DL IGNs: doomdoom, doomdoomdoom, littledoom, tinydoom
Guild Master of Satan's Cheerleaders
I'm going to try to make it... just for giggles. u know.
ok! u talked mee into it!!
Vanity!! Yay!!