Hey guys! I started pvping again, and I put my skills as best I could. I took good armor with armor equal to mythic and Sealord armor. First off, my gear.
Oracle crystal: It's a must, as it will help you achieve max damage.
Demonlogist helm and armor. Explained above.
Ring: Ruby ring of Brutality
Amulet: Wizard Locket of Tides.

The skills.
Fireball: Everything except -hit
Frost: Everything except ice patch.
Shield: DMG reduction, longer time, more dmg absorbed, and 2 sec invinciblity.
Lifegiver: Restore Mana.
Int Passive: Full
DMG passive: Full

Attributes, full INT.

I believe this is a good pvp build, but, I really don't know HOW to use them. Tactics.
This is what I do for Rogues: Shield when they're approaching, Fireball before their aimed shot, followed with Frost. Life when needed.
Warr: Shield, Fireball before skyward smash, frost, and life when needed.
Sorcerer: shield, fireball before THEY use fireball, frost, and life when needed.

Basically, I put shield and attack/stun before they make their first attack. But even while doing this, I STILL die!
Please, master sorcerers of PvP, such as Energerizic and Genuinous, teach me how to do these!