Hey everyone, my name is Hurs, and today I am going to bring up an issue that has been bugging me for a while... the kill count. As of now, your K/D ratio is there to boost the good ol' e-peen, but I think that that could change.

My suggestion is to cause the amount of kills you have (up to a certain point) to possibly reduce prices of items in the store (i.e potions) or to give the player some sort of benefit. Now, I know that many of you are probably going to reply to this saying "That is silly! Everyone will just farm Forest Haven!!" Well, I am also proposing that kills are only added to your total kill count if the monsters that the player is killing are within a certain level range (3-5 levels). This would prevent people from farming Forest Haven and getting tons o' kills while also providing a fair playing field for all players.

Well... that's about it ^_^