I know I know,Kraken Isles has just been released and a new expansion is just gonna be torture for them since they work their butts off day and night refining Arcane Legends.But again,This is just an idea that maybe Devs could keep in their mind once they actually need a new expansion. Comment about what you think or what I should Add.

I call it the "Olympus Expansion"
·Level Cap Raised to 31
·New Vanities Available in the Store Now!
-Cupid Vanity Armor for Sorcerer
-Hercules Vanity Armor of Warrior
-Athena Vanity Armor for Rogue
-Special Vanity Pet Mini Cupid!
·New Dungeons and a New Town!
-Hades Lair
-Olympus City
-Hydra Fortress
-Olympus Castle
·New Enemies and Bosses!
-Underworld Guards
-Hydra Minions
-Shadow Guards
·New Pets like the Panda and the Two-Headed Dog!
·A new Goblin has arrived! and his name is Cupido!
He can be found in barrels and he gives unique Loot!
·New ARCANE Weapon for Warrior:Hercules' Sword of Destruction
·Chests from Olympus are called Mythic Chests