Axe through has 16m range. its the langest skill range in game. for other classes that u dont have any fighting chances just being pulled in and killed in a group fight.

As mages already has issues with escaping skills. it makes it even harder. and i noticed most of the time warrior use ae throuugh, a mage always being pulled in. only one time i saw a arrior was pulled bcos no mage was around. it make me feel that this skill is specific designed to kill mages. mage has low dodge. it seems another one shot kill as the windmill glitch.

also it makes the time shift a usless skill again. warrior dont need o go through it and just pull u back. but any way warrior also can use skyward to jump out or jmp over the time shift. the snare is only works to the mages, rogue can use pircer to get to whitout dely as well.

now warrior as two stune skills, group mana heals, and far better health heal. slowly mages r squize out of pvp.