Feedback for all comments:

1) I was the lowest seller of the item so I don't see how I was getting greedy. I just went off the market prices.
2) Since it would be an open market prices would only rise if people were willing to pay higher prices. If the item is crap no one would buy even if they list it at a high prices. Basic economics if you were to study supply and demand.
3) A plus for the creators of the software would be that it would encourage people to purchase more inventory slots as they would want to sell more at market. This would mean they can raise the platinum cost for additional auction costs and they would make real money profit.
4) I didn't know that you had the option for different time frames to list items for sell and i'll need to look into that. Thanks for the info.
5) Auction is a pretty cool tool and because people sell on outside of auction that shows that their is an opportunity to make it better. If done right the creators of the game can make money for the change.