Does anyone know why the CAA can be had for around 10k and the AFL has been in the 300k+ price range, yet on paper the Axe has a higher DPS?

Captain's Axe of Assault lvl26: 61 DPS, 31 Strength, 16 Dexterity. Chance to proc 8% Dodge buff for 6 seconds.

Abyssal Flamberge of Lethality lvl25: 60.2 DPS, 22 strength, 1.55 Crit. Chance to proc +10% dodge, 5% crit and small heal over time.

I have both, I got the AFL for around 30k before the update which boosted its DPS from 51 to 60.2 and yesterday bought the CAA for 8k because I wanted to see if it was any better, I can't seem to find any real difference when playing.