Ok. So - I'm not new to the game. I have decent stats for my capped 26 rogue, but I still seem to be low on the actual damage I output.

Am I not using the right tactic when fighting?

For instance:
Southern Seas PUG Elite: Corner (I hate the corner, but it's what everyone does)

Spam Autoattack and uncharged aimed shot until the crowd builds up
Then I use skills as follows:
Charged smoke,
Charged Entangle
blade barrier,
aimed shot
spam uncharged attackand aimed shot until entangle returns, then charge and drop another net
spam uncharged attack and aimed shot

basically repeating my other skills as they become available...

What exactly am I doing wrong? It seems like I get into a group with other rogues who have lower DPS than I, and yet somehow we clear things sooooo much faster... Am I doing something wrong? Is it just the PUG I'm getting into sucks and it's not me?

I don't know... best run for Southerseas for me was like 4 mins and change...
typicaly run is like 10 minutes...

Someone help me out?

oh... I use lv 26 depraved blades of Potency and I have Malison or Horton and I use their skills regularly
I also have lv 25 Slicing Flintlocks of Potency and don't see much of a major difference between the two other than the proc every once in a while hitting like a crit.