1st sub classes
Would be a good idea for arcane legends for us to be able to have a sub classes I.e
When a players hits max lvl of one class thay can sub class to one other class
Like warrior. Max lvl then can pick sub class of a mage or rogue same applys to the other two classes
And after thay max lvl on both class can master class to a new elite class
2nd. Being able to buy skill n stat points with platinum
Once players reach maxed with skill points and stats points we should be able to buy more with platinum to become stronger on the game
And yes this might make some ppl stonger then others but if. Made so at say lvl 25 - 26 players can buy with platinum a set amount of skill n stat points it would make the game more fun at same time you can set it up so that after lvl 25 every 2 lvls you can buy another set amount with platinum
It would help the players to get stronger and better handle elite map and new zones that you make along with sub classes and elite sub class
Would boost the playing time and site hits as well as platinum sales
Plz consider my two ideas