Hello anyone that's reading this I just wanted to take a moment to dedicate this to a stranger that helped me when I was a noob. So I'm guessing you all are wondering what this is all about but here's what happened, when I was a noob someone gave me a dark manic for free because they had two, I also think I sold it to someone who didn't have enough money and the next day I farmed an undead antler (which I lost -.-). So now all I want us to do is to take a minute or two to give a noob something unwanted or something from your heart, or maybe you can just tell them something nice like they look nice, that'll make their day. I got good karma from doing something good and I want us to give something good to noobs and expect good karma, remember patience is always needed and I wish you all the best. You may leave a comment of what you think and I wish you all good karma 😺✌👊