I have been playing AL on Chrome for quite some time. Yesterday I cleared up the data on my laptop (that includes the browser too) and now I regret it . Below is the error message I get each time I attempt to launch AL -
Uh-oh! Chrome failed to start our game. Press this button to see the updated news on this issue!
I have tried these things till now -
1) Remove the app and add it back to Chrome.
2) Restart the browser.
3) Restart the laptop.
4) Update Chrome to the latest version.
5) http://support.spacetimestudios.com/...rt-our-game%22
6) http://support.spacetimestudios.com/...-google-chrome

I tried playing on other browsers, but it is a bad experience for me.

If you have faced this before, or if you have a suggestion that might help - please share! I really want to get it working again, especially because we have the double XP event this weekend.

Thank you!

PS - Unfortunately this has forced me to take a break from AL, almost.