Quote Originally Posted by DocDoBig View Post
I meant the updated Engine of course.
And personally I see no need for a new Engine (at the moment) as well, it would consume too much time as you said.
The issue is unchanged - does STS feel that the ROI is worth it to release new content? Even with the update, there have been no major updates. As I indicated in another thread, it's a chicken and egg kind of issue.

Quote Originally Posted by DocDoBig View Post
I found this statement from Wikipedia interesting:
We can do that because that's our engine, and we know that we can release stable content. People ask how much we test the content, and sometimes not that much. But we know it's going to be stable, it's not going to break the servers. It might be off balance, but we release it, put up a feedback thread...

Well, that's to be expected. Shared game engine means that there does not have to be much testing. Truth be told, they are a small to medium sized studio - not too sure how big their QA team is (probably no more than a few members, if even that). Either that or the developers "double up" as their own coder and QA. The other thing to keep in mind is that we're talking about new content, not about something fundamentally different here, so yeah it's not going to cause instability. Maybe balance issues, but other than that, not much. Of course there have been logical errors in the past, but usually they do get fixed within the span of a week.

That's interesting too in that it does mean faster time to release (and therefore cheaper). New content probably doesn't cost that much money to develop. It's the new game making that probably soaks up the bulk of expenses, especially considering the rate that they are releasing games for a small studio.