I don't understand the whining rouges and mages all do damage above 1k consistely. .. a warrior does it from time to time and its a glitch...I have now 4150 health and a rouge destroyed me in two seconds still....I have mythic and all end game gear and didn't even get a chance to use windmill. ... u guys are fine with one hitting others but hate when its done to you. ... on average windmill does 200-300 a hit... go up to random players around al look at ctf stats. ..most warriors have more deaths than kills about 75%... rouge is complete oppositie....50 kills a match for rogue yet still xomplain abouy warriors being opp... again what gear do they have? Ive seen mages and rogues own warriors....a team of five mages killed a team with five warriors was ridiculous....have I ever thought of one thong where are u putting your stats??? Mage has great skills to deflect damage. Most pvpers are noobs and put everything in attack and offense than cry they die quickly...well duh...