so i have a level 14 twink that i enjoy playing a lot. id been debating on getting a respecc so i could lvl one skill in general, and get an extra m/s from int bonus. so i did. and, errr, i did get a bonus, but not as i imagined.

this picture is of me without no gear. 15 int, and no M/S bonus. Argh!

With Croc Helm on, so thats 1/ms from the helm, and a bonus. Maybe from the int?

Now i have 2 Crocs on, but my M/S stays at 2. No more Int Bonus?

so my question is, shouldnt i have 3 M/S? 2 Crocs and the Int bonus? I get the bonus with one Croc on, but it lacks to give it to me when i have 2 Crocs on.
