(The thread title comes from the only Dr Who episode written by Douglas Adams, Pirate Planet.)

Man, what is it with PUGs in Arcane? These are some mighty failed groups. Lately I have not been able to complete a map because they can't cooperate enough to beat the boss.

Today while in the last map of Dead City, it was me and another rogue trying to beat the boss because everyone else left. I got it halfway down by myself, practically, and the other rogue, after dying, comes back trailed by two more pink demons. What?! I had already pat revved once, and used about 50 health pots and as many mana pots, but three one-shot bosses at once? gimme a break. of course they killed us and reset. What a waste of pots and plat!

And this sort of thing has been going on... for instance, someone gets agro and runs away, resetting a boss when everyone else has been using their pots and doing plat revs.

Anyway, it reminds me of sewers. This problem was ended in PL by making special zones for levelling. But AL is almost entirely PUGs, where your success depends on randomly getting people to play with who don't reset the boss. Yeah, I know, if you have a guild and you have friends, you can get past this. If you're not a guildee kind of guy, well, get used to it, I guess.